Stress Free Thinking About Retirement
Some of you might think that a stress free retirement is impossible; however, in this easy to read and understand blog, I will do my very best to show you how wrong you are.
This is a simple read that just might change your outlook and attitude for the rest of your life.
Let’s face it, there is nothing more intimidating than talking finances with friends and associates. The financial world with all its products can be impossible to stay abreast of and simply too complex to have to deal with.
I promise to be informative, entertaining and thought provoking.
This is, as always, a blog written by your favorite writer and a boastful fellow at that. However, as always, there are no guarantees in the financial world and that includes all I’ve ever backed or discredited. It’s a given that there are very few certainties in life…….. For certain, death, taxes and T*psterisms.
What I will present here may just surprise and ignite some of you into action. That being said, I love feedback and/or personal correspondence whenever possible. So, feel free to email, text, call or engage in conversation whenever our paths may cross.
Cash Management
The worst thing you can ever do managing your cash is keeping way to much of it lying around gathering dust or growing moss. This might make you feel less stressed, but it will make retirement way more difficult to navigate. Sure you want to protect your retirement “Nest-Egg”, but this can positively be done both financially and emotionally.
Truth is, we all desire basically the same things. Most people want a comforting and substantially fulfilled life in retirement along with good health and longevity. Others, however, may not want to stop working, but continue to make and chase dreams. The phrase: “Our Golden Years” was created to be just that. But, that phrase can mean something radically different from one person to the next.
Individuality makes the world diverse and complex. Consequently, to establish a “one-size fits all” retirement strategy is impossible. However, ideas, concepts and opportunities are always out there and it’s my pleasure to introduce a retirement strategy you may have never considered or possibly even heard about. Others may have considered this option, but uncertain or confused about it, been reluctant to pursue the opportunity.
Risk Takers
If you are anything like me, you’ve already accepted the “gambler’s mentality”. That being said, casinos make me uncomfortable, but thankfully my mathematical intelligence always protects me from emotional or speculative gambling. Instead, I like to take a disciplined approach to any casino visit.
Unlike the stock market, casinos are required by law to state the exact odds of each and every game they run in their establishments. Wall Street is not obligated to do so.
Have you ever noticed the number of new games or new versions of already established games being introduced yearly in casinos throughout the world? Did you ever stop to think about why this is happening? Obviously not for any of the reasons the casinos are telling you! Casinos are in business to make money. That’s pretty easy to understand. So, do you really believe these new games and versions of already established games are for the patrons’ benefit or the casinos?
If you’ve never done this before, next time you’re in a casino, stop at any cashier or information desk and ask for an “odds sheet”. They are required to have them readily available for the public.
This is why, if I make a casino visit I will only engage in two games while I’m there. I like playing Poker with other casino patrons, clearly knowing my odds of winning brought about as a result of multiple decades of playing. I also acknowledge the monetary way the casino benefits from this game. The second game I will partake in is Craps. This fast paced game allows for playing both with the odds of the patrons playing at the table, as well as the odds of the casino. Moreover, it allows for “hedge-betting” which clearly reduces your monetary risk. A good craps player is well armed with the knowledge of all the different odds created with each and every roll of the dice.
On the other hand, try getting an “odds sheet” from your investment broker or from Wall Street for that matter. Good luck with that; and, be very cautious with brokers that want to promote risk free investments.
So what’s the answer and what are we to do. First and foremost, stay away from casinos unless you are there for social and entertainment reasons. Only risk playing with a predetermined amount of money that you will not regret losing.
On the contrary, on the financial front, what if I can show you some ways Wall Street can be utilized with guaranteed returns far better than any casino visit ever could. Yes, you read that correctly, guaranteed returns. Wouldn’t you think this could be a game changer?
Keeping What You’ve Already Earned
When it comes to not losing any of your hard earned money most individuals put their trust in everyday, every town, every corner run of the mill banks. Most people prefer the bank closest to their home. Maybe that makes getting money out when you need it a bit easier!
Unfortunately, banks are not in the business of saving and growing your nest egg. “High Yield CD’s” have become the weakest way to preserve your already earned money. In retirement, it’s a must to remember that it’s what you keep that counts.
Reverse Mortgages were created to save far too many folks that have not preserved what they already earned.
Therefore, it’s also a must to remember that banks are not in the business of saving and growing your nest egg regardless of what financial planning representatives they claim to have at your disposal. T*pster says: “Dispose of them.”
An Alternative Game Plan
Let’s keep what we have earned and even create a lifelong money flow. How about stopping stock-broker fees completely and significantly reducing annual financial advisory costs.
First and foremost, it’s critical that you know exactly what it is you want and how much it will take to get there. That being said, each individual needs to begin their game plan, with that clearly in mind.
For my wife Anna and I it took several years to come to a loving yet evenly compromised, retirement game plan. We already had two substantial IRA’s with extremely diverse holdings in both. Like most of you that have similar portfolios these accounts went up in good years on Wall Street and down in bad years. The major moves we made came five years ago after I had officially retired and Anna acquired a substantial inheritance. I immediately opened a “Roth” IRA and established a somewhat aggressive stock portfolio. However, the bulk of our money went into an “FIA” (Fixed Indexed Annuity) with an attached “Income Rider”, which in another five years will establish a completely guaranteed lifelong money flow that we both will be satisfied with. The beauty of our “FIA” is that it has a guaranteed yearly percentage rate of return that creates a totally predictable flow of income.
It is important to note that Fixed Indexed Annuities are not and should never be considered a short-term investment.
Our “FIA” doesn’t have the upside of my aggressive Roth IRA; but, it keeps and continually grows our “Nest Egg”. Whereas my aggressive IRA can’t promise that.
Confusion about Fixed Indexed Annuities has muddied the waters of many couples looking at their retirement strategies. Most often this confusion comes from the aid of a financial planner or stock-broker. You see, they would rather put you in to anything other than an “FIA” as there are no high fees associated with them. Moreover, they almost always consume the largest portion of the clients’ money thus limiting brokers commissions that could be earned various other ways.
Fixed Indexed Annuities seem to good to be true
If you are wondering how “FIA’s” can be guaranteed, rest assured that an “FIA” is a well formulated collection of guaranteed high interest “Bonds” enhanced with expert “Options” analysis and well executed to eliminate any and nearly all market risks.
For the large majority of people beyond wealth begins with stopping loss and establishing a guaranteed flow of income that will outlast their lifetimes.
Today an 8-10% guaranteed yearly return can be a game changer for many seeking a comfortable retirement.
Make note: This is not to be considered a get rich quick strategy nor something to be considered if you might need any of the money before the stated and defined Fixed Indexed Annuity’s maturity date and disbursement requirements.
The annual “Income Rider” that Anna and I attached to our “FIA” is not required and not for everybody. It works the same way an annual pension from a company would. The Income Rider is backed by an insurance company. With the preset interest rate Rider our annual income goes up at the completely guaranteed percentage rate every year.
As great as this sounds, there are varying fees associated with annual Income Riders and age related requirements as well. However, if qualified it’s definitely worth considering.
In Conclusion
Simply put, Fixed Indexed Annuities are inexpensive and without any annual management fees. The only fees associated with FIA’s are based upon any attached Riders that offer additional benefits. Anyone looking at their wealth and beyond needs to research Fixed Indexed Annuities. There are many FIA products to choose from so those with proven track records and highly rated portfolios are always the best to be considered.
Remembering carefree days and seeking much more of the same.
Anna & I – 1999
I hope your retirement will be all that you ever dreamed it could be.