Success is the completion of any project you take on in life
Success is the completion of any project you take on in life

The Secret of Success

My Girls – Kimberly & Jody

What is “Success”?

In order to really enjoy success you must first define success. Webster’s dictionary defines it many ways; and, that means success may have many varying definitions. Moreover, this may muddy the waters of understanding, eventually making success harder to reach and totally occupy.

There is no real road map to success without clearly defining what it means to be successful! Today there are numerous self-help courses as well as audio and video lectures on the subject. Does that mean we all need to think bigger and more often? Are we looking for wisdom to come in the form of some profound revelation? Do we honestly believe that the best successes come after terrible disappointments? Dream big and visualize better days ahead. Take charge of your own destiny. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And so on and so on…..and so on. Clichés are exactly what they are………clichés!

Is success about achieving wealth and personal possessions or something more significant?

Beyond wealth

Wisdom, humility and equanimity are all strong contributors to a rich and fulfilling existence. However, these attributes are often discarded when defining success. What then does it mean to be truly wealthy? Are we to believe that you can never have enough money; and, wealth only comes to those that are willing to push beyond the boundaries of most others?

We must categorize our desires. If it’s money and possessions that rule your life, then be certain of it. Do you truly get what you pay for? Will there ever be enough relaxation and peace of mind to make this worthwhile?

Beyond wealth there is the freedom to truly create the existence you want. Money can’t buy freedom or character.

True wealth can only be measured by the individual attempting to live a “Good Life”. Consequently, corresponding attainment of character can lead to the full experience of success. This reaching beyond wealth may be hard to understand because there is a wide range of attributes and distinctions that may matter. Finding one’s true character and realizing great worth often go hand and hand.


Some try to define a successful life in terms of all the riches they can mass. Pressure to attain such riches can be devastating. This pressure can surface in the form of unrealistic goals set by oneself or, worse yet, by the influences of others or a troublesome existence. Many who fail to live up to their own expectations often end up with harsh delusions and seriously unattainable relief. Depression can be the result of such actions.

The fact is that this depression is expected and nearly always impounding. The depressed often do the very same thing day after day, week after week and month after month. Unfeasible as that may sound it is most often the case.

The use of anti-depressant drugs has grown to unheard of proportions in this country and, without a doubt, like depression itself, will continue to rise. The enormous penetration of depression in today’s society can only be considered catastrophic.

A person consumed with depression will continue their behavior, knowing what they are doing is wrong. As hard as that is to believe, they will define their actions with the rationalization that somehow this wrong behavior will change their future outcome.

Practical wisdom

The art of understanding all of the knowledge we learn and, the guarded use of spiritual reflections can broaden and inspire great elaborations of success. We never stop learning until the day we expire. To distinguish the successful may require one’s philosophy or trust in oneself.

Practical wisdom comes with the development of trusting the knowing and believing wholeheartedly what we know. Hence, the trusting of what is supported in our minds as reasonable, evidenced fact.

We don’t take what we’ve heard or read as factual without trusting our own practical wisdom.

What’s Love got to do with it?

It was the Beatles many years ago that said: “all you need is love” and later, Jackie DeShannon that beckoned the world to listen to her request! So, if you really want to know, all things begin and end with the love that is given.

Simply put, to master every unfortunate event of human experience it takes great focus on love.

Your connection to success

A connection to success is subject to massive debate and classification. This means that each person may interpret their own connection without assurance from others, even being able to disregard those that may disagree. Ultimately, this interpretation indicates the difference between knowing and believing. Thus, each successful person is equipped with the knowledge of their defining principles and is able to defend and advance their beliefs. You are, in fact, the only one able to change yourself, enable yourself, enjoy yourself and free yourself.

This discretion is your connection to success. It allows no one to overturn it or discredit it. Most importantly, it defines who you are and what principles both rule and emphasize your existence. And last but definitely not least, it sustains, manifests and attracts continued success.

With all my love and support always.

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