All The Loves of My Life
The real question here is: “What’s Love got to do with it?”
The answer: “EVERYTHING!!!”
The Beetles may have said it best: “All you need is Love………….da ta da da dah!” Yes, “Love is all you need.”
Really now…………..just saying
Some might refer to me as: “The Master of Love” or even “Doctor Love” or possibly “The Love Guru”…… It just could be that I’ve learned the hard way, what is and isn’t L-O-V-E.
The truth is…………“Real Love” doesn’t come easy, doesn’t survive without constant nurturing and will only be as real as the Love you, yourself, contribute freely, openly and honestly.
Poems, Songs, Stories, Novels & Movies
Love has been the theme of countless numbers of poems, songs, stories, novels and movies. Nothing has a greater command of an audience than the “searching” for Love. This pursuit for Love and ultimate recognition comes with an ever present quest to appease oneself.
To scrutinize this point further, are we driven by inadequate feelings of Love ourselves? This deduction may be true in more cases than not. I’m not certain that anyone knows for sure. However, those that live it and know the essence of Real Love, are also captivated by the interpretation of others dealing with this quest.
Order, placement, disposition and uniformity are all synonyms of the word harmony. So, what’s this got to do with Love? Well, as a verb, to harmonize is to make order of various things that just might be out of sync. Take Real Love, for example, it goes without saying that things can and will get out of sync at one time or another…….. This requires order, placement, disposition and uniformity to correct and overcome. This desired reinstatement of Love to ultimately mend the situation can only occur with determined harmonization.
Constant harmony is nearly as hard to achieve as reaching infinity.
Nurturing helps to invigorate something that is in need of restoration. More significant, nurturing from the onset can keep something whole, fervent and without detachment. If you enjoy plants or gardening you know exactly what it is to nurture things. As little as three days of excessive heat and drought can lay a cruel death upon your garden. This mere let down and lack of proper nurturing can be devastating. Recovery, regeneration or a return to normalcy may be impossible.
This is not to say that Love can be as fragile or delicate as a garden; however, only the participants know what level of nurturing is necessary to maintain a solid footing. Involvement in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly nurturing will deepen the Love between partners without question.
You can nourish Love in many ways, and it’s important to choose those that express your intimate thoughts and desires. Most significantly, this should be merely a feeling, desire and eagerness unconscious of any effort to sustain.
Giving without measure
Over time, all loving relationships have enormous amounts of giving and taking from one another. An appetite for giving without expecting anything in return undeniably indicates Love of the deepest kind. Even more meaningful, is when this undertaking happens naturally and honestly without a need for recognition. More often than not, this behavior will only be evident to God and intuitively adept bystanders.
The key to this behavior is the joy and fulfillment one gets from being the giver. It is invigorating to say the least.
You must understand, this is an unconscious desire fully intended to give without measure or redemption.
Influence and flexibility
All loving relationships will certainly face trying times and moments of doubt and concern. These situations will always challenge the partners to communicate openly and honestly. The influence and flexibility of their interchanges are critical to resolve most issues. Influences should be wholeheartedly acceptable by both parties. This can mean a tremendous amount of flexibility will be necessary to obtain agreements.
Giving in to your partner’s wishes or instructions are not a reasonable way to handle most issues of importance. Once you relegate to yielding you not only remove your commitment, but lose your respect in matters of consequence.
You’ll hardly ever overcome a failing partnership once weakness is implied or indicated. Susceptibility of indifference will destroy most relationships. Those that do survive will never be reflective of Real Love.
Obvious “yes’s” are more than acceptable and even highly encouraged when it comes to trivial and unimportant decisions, like what movie to go see. Keep one thing in mind, “I told you so’s” are never appropriate or appreciated words.
Living in tune with each other
Will most couples dreams come true overnight? Not likely! Loving desires and good intentions will take an awful lot of flexibility, influence, attention, nurturing, harmony and most importantly, giving. The giving of time and patience, support and encouragement, as well as compassion and understanding will proactively subscribe to Real Love.
Living hand in hand and heart to heart will reflect one another’s commitment to living in tune with each other. Confirmation of this Love will be determined by its perseverance.
All those lucky enough to be in L-O-V-E
Thank God for bringing your desired partner into your vision. Live and Love openly and honestly without regret for any previous attempts to find Real Love that may have failed to develop.
Take heed to the beautiful words of Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues in the song, “Never Comes The Day”:
“Give just a little bit more, take a little bit less from each other tonight, and bid what you’re feeling and see what’s in front of you……….It’s never out of your sight!”
“You know it’s true……..We all know that it’s TRUE.”
LILA – T*pster’s Princess Granddaughter