Life should be worth living!
Life should be worth living!

Dion = The Rock ‘N’ Roll Philosopher

An Innovator That Defined Rock ‘N’ Roll For Generations

       “The Wanderer”

If you are a true follower of mine you already know that Dion DiMucci is one of my favorite people in this world. It is truly a privilege to have been able to see him perform multiple times the last of which was in Morristown, N.J. on his 83rd birthday. To honestly know Dion is to know one of God’s most talented, philanthropic, and righteous creations. He once said: “Philosophy is the art of making distinctions. Our philosophy is perfectly designed to produce the results we’re getting.”

His journey through Rock ‘N’ Roll history, his induction into the Rock ‘N’ Roll hall of fame in 1989, and his ability to stay influential today is as legendary as his multitude of hits through six decades and counting. His book which is titled, “Dion The Rock ‘N’ Roll Philosopher” came out this past Christmas and is truly a soulful, spiritual, and inspirational look at life, faith, recovery, and musical genius. The book captures six decades of ever-evolving heart and soul. It is a timeless journey through an incredible career reflecting on his rise to fame, his battles with alcohol and drug addition, his sixty-one year marriage, and his love of God and Country.

The book includes over 200 photos and is co-authored by his longtime friend, Adam Jablin, a renowned Life and Performance coach. It reveals many of Dion’s life adventures including excerpts from longtime friends and fellow musicians, Lou Reed, Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Stevie Van Zandt, Bruce Springsteen, and Bob Dylan. You will be caught by an outstanding and unexpected epiphany into the life of this music ICON which expands over sixty years of Rock ‘N’ Roll evolution. And, most certainly, you will enjoy the ride.

Has anybody here seen my old friend, Dion?


Naturally Aging – With All Natural Flavors

That tastes too good to be all “NATURAL”………….


Health & Wellness

Today, there are an abundance of Health & Wellness surveys out there so it can be overwhelming to say the least. Dissecting the data from the world’s experts in the field isn’t easy; but, my opinions are here for the taking.

Eating well / Living well

Eating well and living well can certainly go hand and hand.  We baby-boomers have an awful optimistic view of our physical and mental health. Research studies have clear evidence confirming that as people get older they become more positive.

The majority of people know what they should be eating; however, most will keep eating what they enjoy regardless of the consequences. It’s not only about how long you might live, but also about how well you live. In a number of cases eating what you enjoy may be acceptable as long as you do so in moderation. This means you just can’t eat as much as you might want!

Moreso, eating a balanced diet of foods rich in Vitamins “C”, “D”, “K” and Magnesium are simply essential for longer and healthier lifespans. Therefore including fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, certain grains and fish in your weekly diets can be extremely beneficial.

Stay far away from “FAD” diets regardless of the celebrity claims. There are a number of documented studies showing a diet enriched with fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains while eliminating processed foods, especially meats, will extend one’s life expectancy. Sugar, processed sugars, corn syrup and white flour not only can trigger inflammation in your body and joints, but also are extremely high in caloric intake and may lead to worsening problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Eating right isn’t complicated, but often quite difficult to maintain. Over 10 MILLION older adults live in poverty in the United States alone and that makes eating healthy unreasonably difficult. Staying away from fast food establishments like McDonald’s and Burger King’s are critical. The freezer sections in most grocery stores would better serve people on a tight budget. Frozen fish, fruits and vegetables are much less expensive than fresh and far easier to maintain.

Vitamins and Supplements

I have a thousand different vitamins and supplements in my kitchen cabinets…….isn’t that sufficient?

No way, Jose!

Thousands of studies have shown that these pills do not do what the essential foods do. It comes down to the way the body digests and processes the foods rich in essential nutrients. The pills containing those nutrients lose their value, especially for older adults. In fact, only vitamin “D” has been shown in clinical studies to have significant value to older adults. And, the older we get, the worse low levels of vitamin “D” is for us. This deficiency can often lead to a high risk of cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.

How about my fish oil pills?

Many studies concerning the “Omega-3” supplements are “Non-Conclusive”. I would say eat more fish and foods high in Omega-3 such as certain nuts and grains and seeds. However, many physicians will claim that Omega-3 supplements can lessen the risk of heart attack and heart disease. Other pertinent supplements for the health of your heart can be: CoQ10, Selenium and a coated Aspirin taken daily.

Magnesium and Folic Acid help keep “Heart Rythum” steady promoting normal blood pressure, muscle and nerve function. Furthermore, Magnesium supports a healthy immune system, keeps bones strong, while helping to maintain an already healthy blood sugar level. The recommended daily dosage of Magnesium is 500 mg or more.

Protecting the Brain

Cognitive function is critical to extending a healthy lifespan.

For years very high doses of Lithium have used to treat brain malfunctioning and the condition known as “Bipolar Disorder”. Today, scientists and doctors alike are finding that Lithium in much lower doses, provide a number of neuroprotective benefits. Low-dose Lithium may reduce the risk of age-related disorders, protect brain function and extend a healthy lifespan. In fact, Lithium may improve mood, as well as prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The national recommended daily dosage of Lithium is 300 mcg.

Exercise and Physical Fitness

Can I  get by after age 60 with just a 15-20 minute brisk walk daily?

Maybe! But, I’d be more inclined to tell you that a variety of activities would be far better than just walking. I hate gyms with lots of loud noise, people and machines for exercise. For me, there’s golf, biking, skating, skiing and jogging that keeps me active and in shape.

Many physicians would also suggest more difficult activities such as weight training, swimming and yoga.

Joint, Neck and Back Pains

After I work out my body aches all over.

For many exercise soreness goes away after a day or two. For others, this might not be the case. Those with arthritis can still benefit by building up muscle mass around their joints. This can actually improve many arthritis symptoms and prevent more of them from surfacing in the future.

Many chronic pain sufferers are victims of their brain function. There have been a number of recent trials that have shown people can still generate pain signals even though their problem has healed. This has led to a new therapy called: Brain Reprocessing”. This inclusive 7-8 session therapy teaches the brain to stop sending those pain signals. It has been conclusively evidenced with brain scans showing reduced activity in pain processing.

I have found that stretching in the morning helps with many of the body aches I experience waking up with each day. There are a couple of significant stretching exercises that can reduce back pain as well. One very popular exercise for the back is inversion which stretches the vertebrae. If you have a “Teter” exercise machine that’s great.  Another stretching exercise requires you to lie on your belly with your elbows bent and your hands under your chin. In this position now lift your knees, hips and torso as high off the floor as you can and hold that position as long as you can. Your weight should now be on your elbows and toes. Don’t let your belly sag. See if you can maintain this position for at least 10 seconds. Take a minute after that and repeat at least once more.

Reducing Oxidative Stress and Chronic Inflammation

Aging and age-related disease always include discussions of oxidative stress and inflammation. Curcumin is a powerful supplement with multiple benefits that protect against both. Curcumin helps shield us from oxidative damage. It also helps bolster natural antioxidant enzymes and compounds.

Chronic Inflammation is the driver of practically every age-related disease, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, dementia and cancer.

Curcumin is a “Polyphenol” found in the roots of Turmeric plants. Many different causes of aging have been scientifically identified, including oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, cellular senescence, loss of telomere length and more. Many of them are powerfully and positively impacted by curcumin.

The big drawback to curcumin is extremely poor “oral bioavailability”. Very little ingested curcumin ever finds its way into the bloodstream.

A method has recently been discovered that improves the absorption of curcumin into the blood. This method combines curcumin with a fiber derived from “fenugreek seeds”. Blood levels in people that received curcumin encased in fenugreek fiber were significantly higher. Look carefully for this curcumin formulation.

Youthful Energy and Appearance

Studies show that feeling younger is associated clearly with better mental and physical health, cognitive function and satisfaction with your life and surroundings. For older adults a healthy sex drive is one that makes a couple feel younger and exuberant. It can be motivational and inspire general well-being while improving strength, energy and physical appearances.

In Conclusion

Many older adults experience a decline in their appetites. By eating less there is a natural reduction in the overall intake of essential vitamins. This is why a good daily Multi-Vitamin is definitely recommended.

Also with age come the loss of certain important functions of the stomach and digestive tract. This includes the production of stomach acid, an intrinsic factor needed to release B12 from foods, and for its absorption in the small intestine.  People suffering from alcoholism, hypothyroidism, anorexia, celiac disease, or Crohn’s disease have a much greater risk of developing a deficiency in vitamin B12.  I also recommend a daily dosage of vitamin B12 for this reason.

Zinc and Vitamin C are best taken every 2-4 hours to eliminate a severe cold or even a  possible mild infection. They both absorb into the bloodstream rapidly, but have very little lasting significance. You can never take too much vitamin C however, you would be far better suited to drink a fresh squeezed glass of orange juice.




The Secret of Success

My Girls – Kimberly & Jody

What is “Success”?

In order to really enjoy success you must first define success. Webster’s dictionary defines it many ways; and, that means success may have many varying definitions. Moreover, this may muddy the waters of understanding, eventually making success harder to reach and totally occupy.

There is no real road map to success without clearly defining what it means to be successful! Today there are numerous self-help courses as well as audio and video lectures on the subject. Does that mean we all need to think bigger and more often? Are we looking for wisdom to come in the form of some profound revelation? Do we honestly believe that the best successes come after terrible disappointments? Dream big and visualize better days ahead. Take charge of your own destiny. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And so on and so on…..and so on. Clichés are exactly what they are………clichés!

Is success about achieving wealth and personal possessions or something more significant?

Beyond wealth

Wisdom, humility and equanimity are all strong contributors to a rich and fulfilling existence. However, these attributes are often discarded when defining success. What then does it mean to be truly wealthy? Are we to believe that you can never have enough money; and, wealth only comes to those that are willing to push beyond the boundaries of most others?

We must categorize our desires. If it’s money and possessions that rule your life, then be certain of it. Do you truly get what you pay for? Will there ever be enough relaxation and peace of mind to make this worthwhile?

Beyond wealth there is the freedom to truly create the existence you want. Money can’t buy freedom or character.

True wealth can only be measured by the individual attempting to live a “Good Life”. Consequently, corresponding attainment of character can lead to the full experience of success. This reaching beyond wealth may be hard to understand because there is a wide range of attributes and distinctions that may matter. Finding one’s true character and realizing great worth often go hand and hand.


Some try to define a successful life in terms of all the riches they can mass. Pressure to attain such riches can be devastating. This pressure can surface in the form of unrealistic goals set by oneself or, worse yet, by the influences of others or a troublesome existence. Many who fail to live up to their own expectations often end up with harsh delusions and seriously unattainable relief. Depression can be the result of such actions.

The fact is that this depression is expected and nearly always impounding. The depressed often do the very same thing day after day, week after week and month after month. Unfeasible as that may sound it is most often the case.

The use of anti-depressant drugs has grown to unheard of proportions in this country and, without a doubt, like depression itself, will continue to rise. The enormous penetration of depression in today’s society can only be considered catastrophic.

A person consumed with depression will continue their behavior, knowing what they are doing is wrong. As hard as that is to believe, they will define their actions with the rationalization that somehow this wrong behavior will change their future outcome.

Practical wisdom

The art of understanding all of the knowledge we learn and, the guarded use of spiritual reflections can broaden and inspire great elaborations of success. We never stop learning until the day we expire. To distinguish the successful may require one’s philosophy or trust in oneself.

Practical wisdom comes with the development of trusting the knowing and believing wholeheartedly what we know. Hence, the trusting of what is supported in our minds as reasonable, evidenced fact.

We don’t take what we’ve heard or read as factual without trusting our own practical wisdom.

What’s Love got to do with it?

It was the Beatles many years ago that said: “all you need is love” and later, Jackie DeShannon that beckoned the world to listen to her request! So, if you really want to know, all things begin and end with the love that is given.

Simply put, to master every unfortunate event of human experience it takes great focus on love.

Your connection to success

A connection to success is subject to massive debate and classification. This means that each person may interpret their own connection without assurance from others, even being able to disregard those that may disagree. Ultimately, this interpretation indicates the difference between knowing and believing. Thus, each successful person is equipped with the knowledge of their defining principles and is able to defend and advance their beliefs. You are, in fact, the only one able to change yourself, enable yourself, enjoy yourself and free yourself.

This discretion is your connection to success. It allows no one to overturn it or discredit it. Most importantly, it defines who you are and what principles both rule and emphasize your existence. And last but definitely not least, it sustains, manifests and attracts continued success.

With all my love and support always.

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