Just another worthy T*psterism
Just another worthy T*psterism



“This was everything I could find in the Refrigerator ! ! !”

…………………….. Are you kidding me ?



Hope is one of the most widely interpreted feelings that can only leave one wondering what exactly does that mean. To hope is to wish perhaps, but not exactly. Wishing always comes to an end based upon the object, subject or experience wished for. Hope on the other hand, comes from a much deeper recess of your being and is never really relinquished.

I would argue that hope is a conception derived deep down in the soul. A promise of great spirit and compassion to fervent its existence endlessly. Hope, is that thing that lives on and on and on.

Hope requires infallible belief in one’s ability to hold on, and more meaningfully, aspire to. It remains at all times both encouraging and uplifting. It can also be quite comforting and reassuring.

Hope is gracious, enthusiastic, cheering and void of capitulation or desperation. It can truly capture one’s soul. Unable to hold back, hope can grow into a lifetime of power to help manifest one’s dreams. It more than provides for survival and may be the only reason for continuance in times of dire need. Hope in its greatest form will be patient as well as persistent, always strong, always ready, always willing, never renounced.

The heart is the most powerful broadcaster of our being. A troubled heart, desperate and repressed can leave one unable to enliven. Hopelessness will be the result and this can lead to serious depression.

A life without hope can be unbearable, crippling and even end up in drastic measures like suicide.

Chronically unhappy people

Chronically unhappy people believe that somehow their lives are destined to be more difficult than others. They are certain and without a doubt that “LIFE” is “HARD”. Their outlook is always grim and escape from their plight unthinkable. They see themselves as victims and remain there with a “look what happened to me” attitude.

Happy people

Happy people know that life is hard and tend to bounce through difficult times with an attitude of curiosity rather than victimhood. They take responsibility for how they got into a mess and actively focus on getting themselves out of it. They use perseverance towards their problems and have an unlimited resource of hope that helps them to prevail.



Trust, like hope, can be defined many ways. As a noun, trust can mean reliance, confidence, credence and dependability. It can also mean, dependence, guardianship, liability or duty. As a verb trust, like hope, has a nearly limitless amount of legitimate meanings.

Just as with hope, I would argue that trust is a conception derived deep down in the soul. To trust is self acknowledging. Trusting individuals are always very trustworthy themselves. Trusting people often lead lives of honor and high esteem.

When one puts their trust in another human being they’re saying that they have confidence in that person to do the “right” thing. Therefore, trust carries a tremendous amount of responsibility and even guardianship.

Happy people

Most happy and well adjusted people are trusting of their fellow man. They believe in the “GOOD” of mankind versus the assumption that everyone is out to get them. These same people foster a sense of community around themselves and meet new people with an open heart. Generally, they have strong family ties and loyal abounding friendships.

Chronically unhappy people

Unhappy people are distrusting of just about everybody, including supposed friends and possibly even family members. Strangers are definitely untrustworthy. Unfortunately, this behavior closes most doors of opportunity towards making meaningful connections with new people or situations. Furthermore, this behavior often promotes and festers crippling resentment towards others.



Faith, is by far the most intangible of the three virtues depicted in this passage of mine. However, I would argue that faith, like hope and trust is a conception derived deep down in the soul. It is more unyielding than either hope or trust. Faith remains constant through a lifetime without really knowing how but the why, is always a complete certainty.

A life inspired through strong faith will assuredly amplify both hope and trust already in place. Faith can often be incorruptible, conscientious and resolute. An undeniable belief in the nature of human existence, faith holds no answers, but asks no questions either. Scrupulous and sincere, faith knows no limits or boundaries.

Faith includes a hope for tomorrow and the trust in mankind.

It is this faith alone that will be the guiding light through the darkest of hours and the greatest of challenges.

Chronically unhappy people

Chronically unhappy people concentrate on what’s wrong in the world versus what’s right. They will turn a blind eye to what’s actually right and focus on what’s wrong. Unhappy people are those that respond to any positive statements about their lives or the world they live in with, “Yeah but…”. They don’t want to be distracted from what’s wrong.

Unhappy people believe that others’ good fortune steals from their own. They are certain that there’s not enough goodness to go around. These people end up jealous and resentful of the successes of others.

Unhappy people tend to micromanage in an attempt to control all outcomes and then totally fall apart when things go off course.

Happy people

Happy people believe that they have a unique blueprint that can’t be duplicated or stolen from. Their faith in mankind is matched by their faith in themselves. They know of the unlimited possibilities offered to them and no other person limits their outcome in life.

Happy people have no jealousy or resentment in their lives. This allows them to stay focused on their goals and accept the unexpected or unpredictable difficulties life throws their way.

In Conclusion

Obviously, none of us are perfect and good virtues are not that easy to obtain. A good understanding of them is a great starting place and might be enough to help one manage a life that’s filled with promise.

We’re all going to swim in negative waters once in a while, but what matters is how long we stay afloat and get ourselves to calm and peaceful waters.

We can hope, trust and display tremendous faith in ourselves.

It’s about walking, running, falling down and getting back up again. It’s how we get back up again where all the differences reside.

That being said, I hope you will continue to join me looking back and ahead of the various life experiences I’m writing about in these blogs. More importantly, trust that I will present my experiences as I recall and/or foresee them to happen. Finally, keep the faith in our friendship and connection, because you all are quite special to me.


POKER “101”

               Poker prowess______

Many of my friends and acquaintances know that I’ve been subsidizing my existence for years now by playing poker for money, wherever and whenever I can. This could be one of the reasons for my four marriages, as many of those so called friends would say. However, anyone who really knows me – knows better. That’s right………I’m just so very lovable!

Just like life – Poker takes effort to be successful

It’s easy to be wrong. It’s easy to say no. Giving up is simple; and, retreating can be much more comfortable than forging onward. Anything you really want to excel at takes unwavering discipline and resolve. Consequently, finding success begins with desire, accordance and effort.

Hooked at an early age

For me, poker was a Friday night event at my house growing up, at least monthly and sometimes more than that. You see, my folks and their friends loved to play and the games were always on Friday nights but, moved from home to home. These games were fun and they included many variations of “Poker” which were played for stakes between a penny to as much as a dime. Primarily, it was the enjoyment of the games themselves, which dominated the evening, and not the money to be won or lost. I watched wholeheartedly and extensively, which led me to begin to analyze the play, and more importantly, the players. Even though I was just a child, not yet a teen, I developed a strategy of how to play and win at these games my folks called poker.

However, by the time I was able to talk myself into their game, I was too old to appreciate what I knew and never excelled when playing with them. Later in life, I would realize that this game, like almost every other one I played,  allowed you to play to the level of your competition. Thus, playing with bad poker players led to playing poorly myself.

Awareness of commanding composure

Once I sat down with dedicated poker players I became aware of the one thing they all championed. They all had commanding composure and reflected great confidence because of it. This lesson was not exempt of painful monetary hardships.

However, recalling all the nights of poker I consumed as a child, I soon realized the great, yet simple, secret of success. Somehow stored deep in the recesses of my mind, I always knew this simple formula. The problem was that  frankly, I was undisciplined, leaving me unable to exercise the simple keys to success.

Simplicity rules

Yes, like many of the secrets of life, we always miss the obvious by having a propensity to complicate the process of interpretation. Nothing can ever really be as simple as we might think! With poker, this reflection is the downfall of most players. Over thinking, over complicating and over speculation destroys even the smartest individuals when playing poker.

How to remedy this situation

Can a true competitor of the game reveal his simple and fool proof answer to this dilemma? The answer is “NO”! However, for the sake of contention, I might give you this information knowing that great knowledge still requires an able and confident user to work appropriately. Now does that mean I’m putting you down? I wouldn’t say that; but, being a master of indirection allows me to incorporate tremendous arrogance and autonomy.

Why you will still struggle

When it comes to believing in God or the Tooth Fairy, some have no problems at all, while others struggle to understand what it is they truly believe. So, that being said, the solution to becoming a master poker player will take down many players who will forever struggle with the simplicity. For them, nothing can be that easy to figure out.

Now remember, it was while I was in my pre-teen years that this wisdom was unintentionally yet vehemently developed. Who can ever really deny the nature of its conception.

Surely, I can’t play the game for you, I can only tell you this very basic secret to employ if you really want to have success. Let’s face it, I’m a student of my own preachings. Truth is, the masses are more inclined to play for the enjoyment of the games and the sociability. The rest of you will be skeptical at best with my secret and your level of play will remain as it is today.

Time to entrust indefensible purity

Well, if you’ve come this far and read all of the previous paragraphs, you have proven to me as well as yourselves that you truly desire to evolve into winning poker players. You see, most players are happier with losing, especially if they lose to really good hands or to those they consider really good players.

Revelation is not always handled correctly, so now it’s time to take this to heart as well as to the BANK!  Precursor: The secrets I’m disclosing can only work if you utilize them!!!

First and foremost, winning at poker takes luck. Now before you get angry, take this honest assessment and remember it well. Second, luck comes to all players on any given night and, so called “bad luck”, comes too infrequently to even matter at all.

So, what is the simple solution you ask? O.K., I’m ready to advance all your poker playing talents if you are seriously ready to act. The third, and most important part of the equation to success, is patience. Without this, all players eventually fail and the result is a losing proposition. It takes incredibly disciplined patience to win consistently at poker.

“Patience”, you say, “are you seriously telling me that’s the secret?”

Absolutely!  You are obviously waiting for your luck to come; and, when it does you need to be ready to capitalize. Unfortunately, as I have stated before, most of you will forget this SIMPLE instruction and others will disregard it as worthless jibberish. The one thing you cannot dispute is it’s undeniably incredible purity. That being said, most players lose at poker the moment they get frustrated enough to lose their patience.

To your success – T*pster says stay disciplined !



Tommy & Dylan and Halloween

The difference between knowing and believing

The actual difference between knowing and believing could be as simple as those that can differentiate wisdom from discretion. However, that may prove to be harder than you think. The case to show definitive evidence while answering this question is nearly impossible, so it’s all about opinion and speculation.


Those that form their answers based upon scientific fact will tell you that the truth here cannot be determined through laboratory experiments or even statistical tests. In order to reach the “burden of proof” evidence needs to be repeatable and consistent. Yet most scientists, even when experiments seem conclusive, will admit no scientific claim is beyond repute. To doubt is the natural scientific answer. So, that leaves the view of knowledge mostly provisional while the intention of believing firmly speculative at best. These scientific views end in awe and mystery.


A Pope, a Rabbi, a Mormon or Muslim all use their faith and religious teachings to answer this question. This approach takes the statistics out of the equation and inserts the how to believe in to it. As now it becomes a question of “how you believe”. In turn, the knowledge comes from a strong belief in the written word. Yes, there can be common spiritual principles that make believing ultimately real, yet it’s still an end result similar to science as many will doubt the truth is absolute and genuine.

In conclusion

Science is more a tool for the understanding of the natural world and advancing technology. It attempts to distinguish what we know is true from what we believe is true. In doing so often bringing about probable truths. Religion, on the other hand, attempts to morally lift the spirit and answers questions on how and what to do or believe. This eliminates the value of science while never discrediting any scientific revelation.

Yet at their best, both emphasize and equally embrace a deep sense of humility.






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