It’s a matter of FACT !
It’s a matter of FACT !



Manipulation of Misinformation

Once you dissolve TRUTH, democracy dissolves along with it. It is of the Tipster’s opinion that this is exactly how Donald J. Trump won his second term in office as U.S. President.

Tremendous demagoguery and deception led to an unprecedented moment in U.S. history. By appealing to the “Dark Side” of American history rather than using rational arguments with legitimacy, Trump was able to overthrow the government democratically, by cultivating a “Mass Movement”. Racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, gender issues and complete misogyny extended their evil malice from our long and not so distant past.


Trump’s Seduction

Winning a grievance election by virtue of deception and seduction was the easy part for Donald J. Trump. Hell, half of his followers still believe his continued rhetoric on how the previous election was stolen from him. He was never going to give up this position which clearly rallied his Cultish Fans”. In fact, his greatest strength is in motivating people through fear, pain and panic. Anyone watching the events on January 6th, 2021 should realize that he was never, and will never be about “Unity & Democracy”.


I clearly remember a question presented to Donald Trump at one of the debates about what changes he would bring to health care. His response was that he’s got some concepts that he’s working on. Yet, month after month, all we heard about leading up to the election was Kamala Harris’s lack of policies and proposals for the next four years.

With the help of his friends and supporters at the No.1 political media network, Fox News he gained enormous momentum day after day by their committed effort to push false narratives. Furthermore, his billionaire friend and supporter, Elon Musk by virtue of his control of “X”, formerly “Twitter”, was able to reach millions of viewers doing the same. The disinformation exploding to an unprecedented level in the history of political theatre. Sham after sham deceptively encouraging undecided voters.

Some “Fact Checked” Truths

During the Biden/Harris administration, there was no recession in the short term economy, and a real per capita growth happening in the long term. The current administration quadrupled the number of new jobs created by Trump in his pervious four years in the Whitehouse; and yet, the American people were only to hear over and over again about a misquoted number of new jobs created by the democrats in 2024. The Biden/Harris administration also  produced a record level of Energy during the past three plus years yet Americans were led to believe that Trump was the better producer.

There was no real mention on the growth of the stock market nor the current administrations effort and successes to bring down inflation. However, there was plenty of propaganda to encourage a need for change. Persistent disinformation such as Ukraine, the second largest European country after Russia, being responsible for the war with Russia. Immigrants killing U.S. citizens while receiving money and extravagant benefits that were being paid by taxing hard working native Americans. The documented truth about migrants is that they are amongst the most law abiding, loyal, and responsible individuals that make up America. Fox News stooped as low as to Outright Lie about government funds being diverted to migrants that were allocated for Hurricane Relief.

Facts about Donald J. Trump lost in Translation

For instance, Donald is 78, and definitely not as sharp as he was four years ago, when he lost the 2020 election by more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. He is a convicted felon, found guilty on 34 counts of fraud and collusion. He continually repeats falsehoods about his previous record as president. He cheated on all of his wives, makes racist remarks, and lies so often that it has become expected behavior. According to political historians, his time in the Whitehouse ranked him last or second to last amongst his predecessors. And, none of his appointed colleagues from his previous cabinet endorsed him for president this time.

So, what happened here, is one for the ages.

The Unfortunate Conclusion

Donald J. Trump, the Pied Piper, was able to blow his flute while elevating his demagoguery over the greatest nation on the face of this earth.

A Need for Faith

My prayer is that the Lord God watch over us with a steadfast guiding Hand laid firmly upon the shoulder of our next Commander and Chief.


The Chase For Perfection

Human Perfection

Simply stated, human perfection requires one to have all the necessary qualities to be considered absolutely fulfilled. That is to exist ideally, sound and complete in all aspects of oneself.

Inner Vision

True inner vision can only be established while in a state of complete meditation. This very well may be the most precise way to unleash the power of the “Subconscious Mind”. It is estimated that 95% of our thoughts, feelings, memories and instincts are living in our subconscious. There are many well known authors, doctors and psychologists who have written books on the power and insight within the subconscious. Various suggested methods and physical practices have been established to utilize the power of one’s mind, including a way to harness the subconscious. I’ve often found great insight, inspiration and energy by sitting in the dark with complete stillness.

Brain Frequencies

Think of your consciousness as the desires of your being and your subconscious as the architect of these desires. If you can embrace and champion this concept you can conceivably reach your own particular desired level of perfection.

When you see the world as a physical and stationary place, life can seem quite challenging and competitive to say the least. But, when you take control of your mind and enter the nonphysical realm, by way of meditation, mindful submission or specific intuition there are no limits to the world of resources, ideas and possibilities. The great thinkers of the world, all share the ability of being able to control their brain frequencies.  This may sound easier said than done. More importantly, this is not just theory, but a truly sound and pragmatic blueprint for self realization and the pursuit of perfection.

Believing is Seeing

Believing means having a state of mind that fully accepts the positive without question or passiveness. Receiving perfection takes a lot of work, but physical attributes are not always required. It’s your subconscious that sees and then manifests the expectations you distinctly have. Accepting perfection is often more difficult than manifesting it. Too often we lack the necessary responsibility to redeem the promise of our being.

Consider the reality of the metaphysical in everyday living. Can we really tune in and direct the powers of the universe? Manifesting perfection and creating the life you dream about may be easier than you think. Unfortunately, most people fall far short of their potential without ever realizing it. There lies an incredible power within each and every one of us. To tap this power it takes belief in yourself, awareness of all that’s seen and unseen and the understanding of self worth.

Nevertheless, we are born into a world that stifles our subconscious from birth and often programs us to attain and accept far less than we are capable of. Whether intentional or not, most of us have been led and sculptured to reach our destiny. But, ask yourself; was this the result of your own deeply rooted dreams and intentions? Can we answer that question. Do we want to answer it.

Nourishing your Inner-Self

Our thoughts and emotions are always transmitting brain frequencies. Often we choose our friends and allies by subconsciously connecting with those that emit similar frequencies. On the other hand we have a hard time accepting or understanding others that transmit opposing brain frequencies. Authenticating these differences can only be achieved with deep thought and the penetration of one’s subconscious. There are many books on the subject of the subconscious with writings from great philosophers, theologians and even mystics.

By connecting the conscious to the subconscious we can fulfill our dreams and desires. Harnessing our brain frequencies can actually be achieved through deeply absorbing meditation.

Unharnessed Limitations

Modern science has introduced the theory of “Quantum Physics” to explain the results of human consciousness. This incredible thinking, that many believe to be true, turns the natural order of reality upside down. It’s fundamentals being that the behavior of nature can be described at and even below the scale of atoms. It is wonderous strange and we should all give this theory some attention and investigation. In quantum mechanics, particles have wavelike properties and each can be definable and tangible.

For most of us, the problem with quantum physics is that many of it’s concepts are difficult for us to visualize. Those without a college degree are less likely to understand the somewhat obscure mechanics and convoluted use of physics. A strong grasp of advanced mathematics and physics are essential to the field. It involves differential equations complex and abstract. Understanding the use of linear algebra and calculus can be quite daunting for most of us. However, it is not as difficult to understand as it is to connect to everyday experiences. It can prognosticate unimaginable phenomena and use this in a profound way to “KNOW” the future.

Credulous Beginnings

Knowledge is a powerful tool in the quest for perfection. The more you enrich your mind the easier it will be to determine what makes sense for you to apply to your everyday responsibilities. Mike Murphy, the author of “The Creation Frequency” teaches the art of harnessing the power of the universe to manifest your life’s dreams. This is an easy read full of practical advice and exercises you can use to ultimately ensure success.

Suggested Works

Here are some of my favorite books I’ve read through the decades. I was in sales most of my working years, so many of these publications helped me greatly. “I Never Played the Game” written by Howard Cosell, “How to $ell Anything to Anybody” by Joe Girard, “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, “You Become What You Think” by Shubham Kumar Singh and “Frequency” by Penny Peirce.

To expand your horizons on many of the topics I’ve written about here you should begin with any number of these works: “Quantum Entanglement and the Loss of Reality” by Thomas V. Marcella, “Quantum Physics for Beginners” by M.M. Gavillet, “Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter” by R. Shankar, “You are the Universe” by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Menas C. Kafatos, PH. D., and “The Physics of Consciousness” by Ivan Antic.

A Note to my Followers

First, I’d like to sincerely thank all of you following my writings and I can assure you that it is you who inspire me. That being said, after the coming presidential election I will post a comprehensive “T*pster’s Outlook” on financial, as well as personal concerns for 2025 and beyond. Till then, keep reading, stay healthy and safe, expand your vision with new horizons and send me your personal feedback.


A special thanks goes out to “WordPress”, “MonsterInsights”, “PushEngage”, “Wealthy Affiliates”, “Google Chrome”, and “Bravada Themes”, to name a few helpful and extremely reliable web sight enhancers, moderators and nonpartisan critics.







A Truth About Covid-19 & Your Beloved Pets


The Uninformed Internet

If you are like millions of people in the world today, you depend greatly upon the information found readily available on the internet. Unfortunately, very few truly understand that this dependence is tragically the opposite of life.

When did we give-in and over to the feeling of needing internet assurance that what we see and feel is factual and relevant? Why is it so easy to grant this power to the internet and relinquish our God given power of insight and intellect?

What we want is reassurance and the internet can often result in misinformation that does that very dangerous thing!


Unintentional – YET – Unresponsible

Don’t get me wrong, I honestly believe the internet, for the most part, is attempting to be informative and helpful. However, the misinformation, whether unintentional or not is abundant and uninhibited by scrutiny of any kind. This, in itself, is the greatest danger we can succumb to.

When did we remove humanity from the equation? Is this insignificance we share, something we are actually aware of? Or, is it possible that this is humanity’s attempt to rededicate ourselves to each other, to live life and love all that surrounds us?

Anyway you choose to look at it, the internet is free to inform and at the same time innocent of misinformation.


The truth about Covid-19 and its effect on your pets

When my wife, Anna and I tested positive for Covid last week we hardly considered the consequences it could have on our beloved cat, Sage. However, love can be the demise of your pet when this virus infests your home.

Our healthy, young and fit Sage was the victim of internet misinformation. She was a baby, just seven years old and a real tiger at heart. Unfortunately, for her, she was loving and trusting of her mommy and daddy. She loved a good belly rub and being nestled in her daddy’s embrace. This love and trust did her in.

When she developed sniffles and sneezing it was both cute and comical. This didn’t occur until late Friday night the 23rd of December. Come Saturday morning she seemed both hungry and confused as her nose kept the sniffles present. Mostly she seemed upset that she was dripping sniffles into her food dish.

It was at this point Saturday that I decided to research the effects of Covid-19 on pets. The internet had numerous accounts of infected felines and canines and seemed determined, at the very least, to assure pet owners that there were no known deaths associated with Covid. In fact, they cited thousands of reported cases that resulted in pets recouping fully and quite quickly.

However, one European group of veterinarians documented a single case of an older cat in France with an underlining heart defect that died from the effects of the virus.

For all intensive purposes the internet was much more concerned with the pets infecting the household as to the opposite happening.

One thing for certain the information was comforting and went as far as to say isolating the cat was the smartest thing to do. The advice was to feel very confident in keeping your pet at home and letting their own immunity revive their health. There was both practical and scientific evidence that a visit to the Vet was totally unnecessary.



The shocking strength of Covid-19

By Sunday, Christmas day, I was beginning to feel much better and my wife still achy and probably a couple of days behind me, in terms of recovery, seemed to be my main concern for the day. Sage was still wrapped-up  in her bed, in a blanket I placed around her the night before.

Anyway, this was to be an at home Christmas void of family and friends. This meant lots of phone calls to all those that mattered in our lives. The cat endured the day, mostly unnoticed by the two of us. I did some cooking for us and we watched a “Christmas Carol” that ended at 8pm. We were both exhausted, most definitely from the ordeal of covid over the last four or five days.

At this time I went upstairs to look-in on my baby, Sage. What I found was alarming and troublesome. She had made her way out of her bed and was now lying flat on her belly with her face in a significant puddle of clear as can be liquid. She was absolutely limp and unable to get to her feet. I made calls not to one, but to three different Animal Clinics in the area. All were closed for Christmas and also for the following Monday as well. They did offer an emergency number to call and it was at this point I realized that nothing was going to help my little girl make it through the night accept her determined Daddy holding and wiping her nose and mouth continually.

I proceeded to take her to our bedroom and lay her down on a soft thick blanket while I got tissues to wipe her soaked face and neck and nose. She now was responsive enough to be starring at her daddy and conscious of my efforts to help her. It became obvious that she was ready to submit to my care and with loving, trusting eyes she watched my every move. I kept telling her how good she was doing and reiterated the words: “just keep breathing Sagie……keep breathing.” With that look of the “TIGER” that she was, she listened to every word and seemed determined to do just that. Midnight came and all the tissues were gone and I now come back to her after getting a second roll of toilet paper. Her eyes followed me with every move I made. Anna had now fallen asleep on the floor, lying upon a new sheepskin rug we bought weeks before.

Suddenly, the breathing Sage was struggling to do with her nose ended and her mouth opened wide to continue to breath that way. She stretched in a peculiar way snapping her head, into a position that appeared as unnatural as it looked uncomfortable. I tried to correct her position, but her body was now in a rock solid phase that would not loosen or relax. I was now the only source of keeping her warm and dry as fluid seemed to be pouring from her mouth continually. The second roll of toilet paper disappeared in less than an hour.

Her breathing was well over 100 breaths per minute and I knew that her heart was undertaking a tremendous strain to continue. All I could do was to tell her how lucky I was to have the best little girl ever, how much I loved her and how sorry I was for letting her down. At 2:37 am she coughed two loud coughs and with lots of liquid in her lungs I heard a thump as her heart gave out. She died with her eyes wide-open, staring at me as if to say: “Daddy what happened?”

We had our beautiful little girl cremated Tuesday, December 27th.

We will miss her dearly.






How the Coronavirus is redefining life


Over the next several months companies large and small will be making decisions that they had no idea they would have even contemplated making in the past.  As telecommuting comes of age, with many workers who spend most of their time on a computer, employers will be determining which of those employees should be returned to the office and which should remain working from their homes.

Older workers

For some older employees, there might not be any choices offered other than continuing to work remotely from home due to their age and or health.  Others, with underlying health conditions may face the same reality.

Reasons to keep employees at home

Beside the obvious reasons employees may have, employers are beginning to see the significant gains of having a workforce at various home locations.  First, a reduction in costs of office space and upkeep.  Next, an unexpected trial period that has shown the way for employers to fully interpret and understand the process.  Besides the lack of office distractions and downtime, it seems production has been the most pleasant and undoubtedly unexpected windfall for most employers.

For many employees there is a greater feeling of accomplishment without someone standing over their desk checking their every move.  Most certainly, removing the need to commute creates a more relaxed worker, as well as safer and ultimately healthier one.  Long commutes can often be stressful and time consuming, which definitely reduces production.

The potential savings from this surge in telecommuting is so incredible that going back to the way it once was seems more than impossible.  It is a “win-win” situation for employers and employees.  With the gain in time and lack of stress employees can truly work on bettering their own lives; whether, through exercise regimes or self study courses they hadn’t the time to pursue previously.

This new work from home model also allows companies to hold on to their senior workers, who might have been contemplating retirement.  In many cases retaining experienced employees can be critical to a company’s success.  And, part-time opportunities now have a really different significance as employees may gain new found freedoms in terms of days, hours, and schedules.  Part-time remote work can truly offer get flexibility for all.

A cultural shift to telecommuting has led to retaining work ethic, loyalty, knowledge and production at reduced hours and significantly less compensation.  The best part is that all involved do, in fact, save money.  Older employees concerned about their health and retirement funds can save money by telecommuting.  The lower fuel costs and wear and tear on their vehicles can lead to savings that can be invested. Other savings will come from less laundering and dry-cleaning expenses.  Meanwhile, employers will be the largest gainers based upon their new levels of productivity, lower real estate costs, reduced turnover and absenteeism as well as outright development of future holdings.

There is no going back.  For one thing, employees will balk at the old normal.  The consensus is already out there and most desire to remain working remotely.  Those that haven’t embraced this new normal, will eventually find their way back to an office or a new job. Others will flourish with this new found freedom  that meets their needs to get stronger and more self reliant. Character development and life improving all at their own command.

What will tomorrow bring?

During the current career climate all new graduates should have an updated resume. They need to be fully prepared to think in different and relevant ways. Those that are ahead of the curve have already defined the new normal in their minds and hearts.

The ever growing digital world and ever dependent world of the internet will be the front running opportunities for high paying jobs in the future. Read more“THE NEW NORMAL”

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