Did you ever consider this?
Did you ever consider this?



Manipulation of Misinformation

Once you dissolve TRUTH, democracy dissolves along with it. It is of the Tipster’s opinion that this is exactly how Donald J. Trump won his second term in office as U.S. President.

Tremendous demagoguery and deception led to an unprecedented moment in U.S. history. By appealing to the “Dark Side” of American history rather than using rational arguments with legitimacy, Trump was able to overthrow the government democratically, by cultivating a “Mass Movement”. Racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, gender issues and complete misogyny extended their evil malice from our long and not so distant past.


Trump’s Seduction

Winning a grievance election by virtue of deception and seduction was the easy part for Donald J. Trump. Hell, half of his followers still believe his continued rhetoric on how the previous election was stolen from him. He was never going to give up this position which clearly rallied his Cultish Fans”. In fact, his greatest strength is in motivating people through fear, pain and panic. Anyone watching the events on January 6th, 2021 should realize that he was never, and will never be about “Unity & Democracy”.


I clearly remember a question presented to Donald Trump at one of the debates about what changes he would bring to health care. His response was that he’s got some concepts that he’s working on. Yet, month after month, all we heard about leading up to the election was Kamala Harris’s lack of policies and proposals for the next four years.

With the help of his friends and supporters at the No.1 political media network, Fox News he gained enormous momentum day after day by their committed effort to push false narratives. Furthermore, his billionaire friend and supporter, Elon Musk by virtue of his control of “X”, formerly “Twitter”, was able to reach millions of viewers doing the same. The disinformation exploding to an unprecedented level in the history of political theatre. Sham after sham deceptively encouraging undecided voters.

Some “Fact Checked” Truths

During the Biden/Harris administration, there was no recession in the short term economy, and a real per capita growth happening in the long term. The current administration quadrupled the number of new jobs created by Trump in his pervious four years in the Whitehouse; and yet, the American people were only to hear over and over again about a misquoted number of new jobs created by the democrats in 2024. The Biden/Harris administration also  produced a record level of Energy during the past three plus years yet Americans were led to believe that Trump was the better producer.

There was no real mention on the growth of the stock market nor the current administrations effort and successes to bring down inflation. However, there was plenty of propaganda to encourage a need for change. Persistent disinformation such as Ukraine, the second largest European country after Russia, being responsible for the war with Russia. Immigrants killing U.S. citizens while receiving money and extravagant benefits that were being paid by taxing hard working native Americans. The documented truth about migrants is that they are amongst the most law abiding, loyal, and responsible individuals that make up America. Fox News stooped as low as to Outright Lie about government funds being diverted to migrants that were allocated for Hurricane Relief.

Facts about Donald J. Trump lost in Translation

For instance, Donald is 78, and definitely not as sharp as he was four years ago, when he lost the 2020 election by more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. He is a convicted felon, found guilty on 34 counts of fraud and collusion. He continually repeats falsehoods about his previous record as president. He cheated on all of his wives, makes racist remarks, and lies so often that it has become expected behavior. According to political historians, his time in the Whitehouse ranked him last or second to last amongst his predecessors. And, none of his appointed colleagues from his previous cabinet endorsed him for president this time.

So, what happened here, is one for the ages.

The Unfortunate Conclusion

Donald J. Trump, the Pied Piper, was able to blow his flute while elevating his demagoguery over the greatest nation on the face of this earth.

A Need for Faith

My prayer is that the Lord God watch over us with a steadfast guiding Hand laid firmly upon the shoulder of our next Commander and Chief.


Let’s Beat Inflation

Why, Where and How

With inflation soaring we need to find various ways to save. Why not get the best prices and even save thousands! Buying at the “right time” matters. Discount cards, buying club memberships, coupons, special sales or clearance sales are all worth taking advantage of during times of rising inflation.

If you believe you can predict the future then reading this article will have little to no significance to you. However, the Tipster knows one thing’s for certain: “The only way to keep up with inflation is to be prepared for whatever comes next.”

Over 40 Million Americans are living in poverty or simply one crisis away from adding to that number. Older adults make up the greatest population in crisis. Often, they can be overlooked by family and friends due to foolish pride and even concealment of their situation.

Help and Support

Those with the means should truly be looking to aid those in need. For older Americans many public and private foundations have been established through the years to offer monetary, informational and physical support.

For one, the AARP Foundation has been aiding and supporting a future without senior poverty for decades. In 2022, the AARP Foundation helped nearly 2 million older American save millions in taxes with critical and completely “FREE” volunteer-based tax preparation. This service was responsible for helping low income seniors secure nearly 1 billion in tax refunds and credits.

AARP’s “Tax-Aide” program was established in 1968 and has expanded through the decades with contributions from those with concern and the ultimate consideration to volunteer their services.

A second AARP program, begun fives years ago, is now helping more than 9 million Americans see if they qualify for property tax relief.

You can learn how you can help or find out if you qualify for a property tax refund at: aarpfoundation.org/thrive and aarpfoundation.org/propertytaxaide

Spending wisely 

Have you ever tried dining at an “All you can eat” buffet? If so, did you enjoy it?  Would you be inclined to do this more often or decline based on the food quality or a possible tendency to over indulge. What about considering eating family style or all inclusive verses ala carte.

Those who carefully manage their budget could save money when spending it wisely. Various price shopping clubs are inexpensive and memberships can lead to huge savings for larger families. Some clubs require buying in bulk so managing what and when you buy certain necessities can be critical to maximize savings. Perishables may be the hardest items to manage properly.

Staying financially healthy

During times of inflationary difficulties the hardest thing to do is tighten your spending when you’ve always been a giver to family and friends. Reining in the giving is so much more beneficial then it is imaginable.

Decisions like stop paying for a storage facility housing furnishings you haven’t used for years, or that no one can benefit from currently can yield benefits unthought about. Holding back the purchase of luxury items can be extremely helpful. Avoid panic about investments and retirement portfolios. Staying the course is often the best advice anyone can give. Do not skip or skimp on your health, mental and physical needs. Preventive medical care is quite often free or low cost and can save fortunes by catching possible problems before they ever occur. Picking up a paint brush, washing your car in your driveway and racking leaves on your lawn all can add monetary benefits that truly matter.

Spending on autopilot can be very costly and checking those auto debits during times of tremendous inflation can save hundreds of dollars. Keeping tabs on subscriptions can be easier than you think. Free apps such as “PocketGuard” and “Rocket Money” are offered through various banks and credit cards such as Chase and Capital One. They find things you might have forgotten about.

One of the more difficult things to do might be guarding against impulse buying. Even though the price of that leather jacket has been reduced, it might just be unnecessary and worth passing up right now!

Finally, protecting what you have is most critical here and now; and, it will always be regardless of the inflationary future. During times of need and monetary stress scammers devise damaging cleverly refined schemes to appropriate funds from unaware victims. There are various anti-fraud websites as well as state and federal programs helping people spot and avoid scams.

Fraud can look like an unsolicited call claiming you owe or are due money. A pop up message on your computer warning of a detected virus. Notification of a prize you won that has a minor shipping fee to claim it. An email or text message offering a huge discount on something you’ve been searching the web to find.

Remember, all you can do to protect yourself and your family may be to stop and think before acting upon anything.

Reporting possible fraud to your state and local law enforcement agencies can help prevent others from being victimized.

Practical wisdom

With age comes wisdom. Whoever coined the phrase was spot on. With that being said, during times of troubling inflation buying essentials is important and doing some homework to find the best way to do that is undoubtedly significant.

Just remember, patience and steadfast discipline will get you to the other side of trouble every time.






What can we do to fight Inflation

The T*pster 2018

Staying calm during uncertain times

Soaring gas prices, grocery bills doubling, stocks in a seamless never ending downfall and interest rates reaching levels not seen in decades are surely disturbing if not to say devastating to most people.

Most older American are both confused and perplexed by the financial demise of their bank accounts and retirement portfolios.

Some signs have been encouraging over the last couple of months; but, to think global and domestic economic problems will recover quickly is not practical nor helpful in any way. Optimism about the near future is not what this article is all about. However, we definitely need to change how we think about this crisis and what we do about it.

I promise to quote some important financial minds and economic experts concerning the immediate future.

The midterm elections

Most older Americans would tell you that the results of the midterm elections were surprising, at the very least. Largely driven by the voice of younger voters, it could just be a look at the future of voting in this country.

Many older voters found themselves faced with new laws within their individual states that dictated how, where and when they could vote. This definitely had an effect.

Older voters have always been a driving force in our country’s elections. These voters are typically more informed and decisive.  For future reference one should go to their state’s governors website to get updated information about new voting laws established in their state.

The deadline to vote in most states is mid October but not all. I know in New Jersey to vote for November 8th elections you have until October 18th to register.

The importance of staying the course

The stock market has never been a short term fix for over 99% of all investors through the years. Unfortunately, for most, right now the ride seems way to turbulent and a desire to get liquid overtakes traditional wisdom.

However, it is critically important right here, right now to stay the course. Don’t even think of the short term as scary as that is, but focus on the long term. Remember that despite the setbacks, stocks have more than tripled over the last ten years.

Recovery and what to do next

The fact is, over the first six months in 2021 the market dropped nearly 25% and this was the first time we were in “Bear-Market” territory in over a decade. Still down nearly 20% as the year ends if you are in retirement or almost there the pain and loss can be overwhelming.

So, what are we to do?

Re-evaluate your stock and retirement portfolios. Think only of the long term and diversify your holdings to balance your risk and reward levels.

Why a weak January 2023 may be a good thing

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has ended January down 15 times since 1998. If the trend holds once again, investors are in store for a dismal start to 2023 and after a brutal 2022 and gut wrenching December.

But not all hope is lost. According to Matthew Carr, Chief Trends Stategist of The Oxford Club, over the last 25 years, January has been one of the worst months for stocks. In fact the only month more dismal for equities during that same time frame is September (notorious for its swoons). He does admit that things were much different in the 1990s, but times change.

Is There a Reason to Rally?

Few trends, are absolute. The Dow has posted some strong performances in January during the past quarter century….. like 2012, 2013, 2018 and 2019.

Remember, December tends to be one of the best months for equities. Steep sell-offs during the month, much like we just witnessed are rare. But when they happen, it often leads to uncharacteristic rallies in January.

This pattern isn’t universal, of course. Half of all December sell-offs we’ve seen in the past 25 years did continue through January. That includes January 2003 and January 2009 smack-dab at the end of two of the last three “Bear Markets”.

From a broad market perspective, the outlook for January 2023 is probably not the fresh start investors were hoping for. Technicals, are also pointing to more pain ahead.

The upshot is that a steep sell-off continues in January which pushes those October 13th, 2022 lows – will trigger a rally.

Don’t try to time the Market

Though people think they can somehow pick the best time to buy and sell stocks, I’ve seen far more guess wrong than right. Even the so-called experts get it wrong enough times to make it necessary to control your behavior.

Why take unnecessary risks. Don’t reach for unsafe interest and dividend yields. Companies that pay high yields and dividends are always more risky. Both high paying dividends from General Electric and General Motors cost investors dearly in 2019 and 2009 respectively. High yield bonds are referred to as “Junk Bonds” for a good reason!

However, the T*pster says, now more than ever before, balance your portfolios. This can be done by balancing your stock holdings with safe bonds and other fixed-income investments such as various out performing annuities.

Do take a chance on some stocks, but make sure you have multiple endorsements from professional money managers.

Seven out of ten economists surveyed by Bloomberg are forecasting a recession this year. But it’s good to remember that the market is always forward-looking.

I believe that the market has already priced in a recession and now its sight are set upon a recovery. Will that take place in January? Or, will the bottom be pushed even further during the first half of 2023.

In Conclusion

I have presented key questions and even more optimistic answers that you, as individual investors, need to find out for yourselves in the new year.

It just might be the appropriate time to join an investment club if you haven’t already. I belong to The Oxford Club and for the first time ever, Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist, is set to reveal his #1 investment for 2023.

Finally, do not keep all your money in cash; but do keep enough to sleep peacefully at night.

Markets will recover and capitalism will more than survive.



Naturally Aging – With All Natural Flavors

That tastes too good to be all “NATURAL”………….


Health & Wellness

Today, there are an abundance of Health & Wellness surveys out there so it can be overwhelming to say the least. Dissecting the data from the world’s experts in the field isn’t easy; but, my opinions are here for the taking.

Eating well / Living well

Eating well and living well can certainly go hand and hand.  We baby-boomers have an awful optimistic view of our physical and mental health. Research studies have clear evidence confirming that as people get older they become more positive.

The majority of people know what they should be eating; however, most will keep eating what they enjoy regardless of the consequences. It’s not only about how long you might live, but also about how well you live. In a number of cases eating what you enjoy may be acceptable as long as you do so in moderation. This means you just can’t eat as much as you might want!

Moreso, eating a balanced diet of foods rich in Vitamins “C”, “D”, “K” and Magnesium are simply essential for longer and healthier lifespans. Therefore including fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, certain grains and fish in your weekly diets can be extremely beneficial.

Stay far away from “FAD” diets regardless of the celebrity claims. There are a number of documented studies showing a diet enriched with fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains while eliminating processed foods, especially meats, will extend one’s life expectancy. Sugar, processed sugars, corn syrup and white flour not only can trigger inflammation in your body and joints, but also are extremely high in caloric intake and may lead to worsening problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Eating right isn’t complicated, but often quite difficult to maintain. Over 10 MILLION older adults live in poverty in the United States alone and that makes eating healthy unreasonably difficult. Staying away from fast food establishments like McDonald’s and Burger King’s are critical. The freezer sections in most grocery stores would better serve people on a tight budget. Frozen fish, fruits and vegetables are much less expensive than fresh and far easier to maintain.

Vitamins and Supplements

I have a thousand different vitamins and supplements in my kitchen cabinets…….isn’t that sufficient?

No way, Jose!

Thousands of studies have shown that these pills do not do what the essential foods do. It comes down to the way the body digests and processes the foods rich in essential nutrients. The pills containing those nutrients lose their value, especially for older adults. In fact, only vitamin “D” has been shown in clinical studies to have significant value to older adults. And, the older we get, the worse low levels of vitamin “D” is for us. This deficiency can often lead to a high risk of cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.

How about my fish oil pills?

Many studies concerning the “Omega-3” supplements are “Non-Conclusive”. I would say eat more fish and foods high in Omega-3 such as certain nuts and grains and seeds. However, many physicians will claim that Omega-3 supplements can lessen the risk of heart attack and heart disease. Other pertinent supplements for the health of your heart can be: CoQ10, Selenium and a coated Aspirin taken daily.

Magnesium and Folic Acid help keep “Heart Rythum” steady promoting normal blood pressure, muscle and nerve function. Furthermore, Magnesium supports a healthy immune system, keeps bones strong, while helping to maintain an already healthy blood sugar level. The recommended daily dosage of Magnesium is 500 mg or more.

Protecting the Brain

Cognitive function is critical to extending a healthy lifespan.

For years very high doses of Lithium have used to treat brain malfunctioning and the condition known as “Bipolar Disorder”. Today, scientists and doctors alike are finding that Lithium in much lower doses, provide a number of neuroprotective benefits. Low-dose Lithium may reduce the risk of age-related disorders, protect brain function and extend a healthy lifespan. In fact, Lithium may improve mood, as well as prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The national recommended daily dosage of Lithium is 300 mcg.

Exercise and Physical Fitness

Can I  get by after age 60 with just a 15-20 minute brisk walk daily?

Maybe! But, I’d be more inclined to tell you that a variety of activities would be far better than just walking. I hate gyms with lots of loud noise, people and machines for exercise. For me, there’s golf, biking, skating, skiing and jogging that keeps me active and in shape.

Many physicians would also suggest more difficult activities such as weight training, swimming and yoga.

Joint, Neck and Back Pains

After I work out my body aches all over.

For many exercise soreness goes away after a day or two. For others, this might not be the case. Those with arthritis can still benefit by building up muscle mass around their joints. This can actually improve many arthritis symptoms and prevent more of them from surfacing in the future.

Many chronic pain sufferers are victims of their brain function. There have been a number of recent trials that have shown people can still generate pain signals even though their problem has healed. This has led to a new therapy called: Brain Reprocessing”. This inclusive 7-8 session therapy teaches the brain to stop sending those pain signals. It has been conclusively evidenced with brain scans showing reduced activity in pain processing.

I have found that stretching in the morning helps with many of the body aches I experience waking up with each day. There are a couple of significant stretching exercises that can reduce back pain as well. One very popular exercise for the back is inversion which stretches the vertebrae. If you have a “Teter” exercise machine that’s great.  Another stretching exercise requires you to lie on your belly with your elbows bent and your hands under your chin. In this position now lift your knees, hips and torso as high off the floor as you can and hold that position as long as you can. Your weight should now be on your elbows and toes. Don’t let your belly sag. See if you can maintain this position for at least 10 seconds. Take a minute after that and repeat at least once more.

Reducing Oxidative Stress and Chronic Inflammation

Aging and age-related disease always include discussions of oxidative stress and inflammation. Curcumin is a powerful supplement with multiple benefits that protect against both. Curcumin helps shield us from oxidative damage. It also helps bolster natural antioxidant enzymes and compounds.

Chronic Inflammation is the driver of practically every age-related disease, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, dementia and cancer.

Curcumin is a “Polyphenol” found in the roots of Turmeric plants. Many different causes of aging have been scientifically identified, including oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, cellular senescence, loss of telomere length and more. Many of them are powerfully and positively impacted by curcumin.

The big drawback to curcumin is extremely poor “oral bioavailability”. Very little ingested curcumin ever finds its way into the bloodstream.

A method has recently been discovered that improves the absorption of curcumin into the blood. This method combines curcumin with a fiber derived from “fenugreek seeds”. Blood levels in people that received curcumin encased in fenugreek fiber were significantly higher. Look carefully for this curcumin formulation.

Youthful Energy and Appearance

Studies show that feeling younger is associated clearly with better mental and physical health, cognitive function and satisfaction with your life and surroundings. For older adults a healthy sex drive is one that makes a couple feel younger and exuberant. It can be motivational and inspire general well-being while improving strength, energy and physical appearances.

In Conclusion

Many older adults experience a decline in their appetites. By eating less there is a natural reduction in the overall intake of essential vitamins. This is why a good daily Multi-Vitamin is definitely recommended.

Also with age come the loss of certain important functions of the stomach and digestive tract. This includes the production of stomach acid, an intrinsic factor needed to release B12 from foods, and for its absorption in the small intestine.  People suffering from alcoholism, hypothyroidism, anorexia, celiac disease, or Crohn’s disease have a much greater risk of developing a deficiency in vitamin B12.  I also recommend a daily dosage of vitamin B12 for this reason.

Zinc and Vitamin C are best taken every 2-4 hours to eliminate a severe cold or even a  possible mild infection. They both absorb into the bloodstream rapidly, but have very little lasting significance. You can never take too much vitamin C however, you would be far better suited to drink a fresh squeezed glass of orange juice.




The Art of Indirection

Glass half full OR half empty?

Manifestations and intentions

It was a great friend and former partner of mine that brought the subject of indirection to light. He called me a master of indirection; and, when I asked him what he meant it was with an elevated disposition to say the least. I didn’t appreciate being labeled something I was unable to surmise and his opinion of me was very important. Heck, I thought he was disparaging my character.

He began explaining his comment by making pertinent references to my somewhat every day performance. It was as he unmasked my intentions that the relevancy of his statement began to take shape in my mind’s eye. You see, being in sales, the preparations I went through routinely had great purpose. I was always trying to generate sales and attract new business.

He is one of the wisest men I know, and made me realize that my well conceived sales process was designed to manifest strong results in an absolutely indirect way. The more he spoke the clearer a picture of myself developed. It became clear that I was really never selling my goods at all. Instead, I was helping my intended customer sell them for me.

In fact, whenever I found that my diligence to this sales process was lacking in effort, I would corrupt and discredit my salesmanship putting my customer on the offensive to assure me of my value and great help. That being said, I was always cognizant of my surroundings, the level of reception I held, and the purpose of my words. I never failed to be a steadfast listener and especially humble and grateful for the sales that proceeded.

Psychological profiling

The truth is, I could never pass the psychological profiling of a person most suited for a life of selling. This, I was told many times by numerous firms for which I had applied for sales positions. The whole profiling issue got me so disconcerted, that it became the essential ingredient in my quest to prove all those so called sales gurus wrong.

I never really thought about the art of indirection, as my friend named it. I just thought that I brought something refreshing and different to the process of selling. In my mind, I always labeled it as yielding. Trying to help people help themselves and making a living doing so seemed so much easier than selling for the company. Being a company man was the last thing on my mind.

I was always a good story teller. Most of my clientele were happy to exchange life’s changing moments with me. This not only made a customer more comfortable it opened the doors for me to empower them.

I’m just a guy who likes to take great big concepts of how things function and break them down in simple terms. I enjoy making the complex easy by looking at it in its simplest form. It was this process that ultimately became my basis for yielding! Thus, my selling became unembarrassed, spontaneous and manageable.

Most of my customers were eager and receptive to giving me leads. These leads were quite solid and of great value to me. Respect for my clientele was always answered with great respect.


To all those that broke records in sales, whether it be in volume or revenue, the prestige that went with these triumphs was and will undoubtedly remain their driving force.

I’m now retired over two years and after forty years in sales, I can honestly admit that prestige was never a driving force. For me, it was always about the friendships I found along my journey and the lasting episodes we created together.

In conclusion

The art of indirection might well have been created to prove a point to myself. I really was a sucker for a good sales presentation when I was young. The result of which was buyer’s remorse when faced with the truth of being sold something absolutely worthless for my immediate needs and/or situation.

Today, I only acknowledge those salespersons who are willing to tell me something about themselves, enlighten me with evidence of something I may have missed and listen carefully to what I am asking them.



The Social Isolation Risk

Many seniors do not realize the consequences of social isolation. In fact, many are in denial or completely unaware of their inevitable entrenchment. Seemingly anesthetized, they carry on as if time and space has methodically immersed them into their now appropriate situations.

More admonishing is the evidence that social isolation can impact both mental and physical health. Prolonged isolation can lead to irreversible conditions such as depression, malnutrition or even worse, anemia.  Food banks and free meal package programs can help seniors stay properly nourished; but, these programs may not reach all those that are in dire need.

The Coronavirus Effect

Even before the pandemic, nearly 20% of seniors in this country were experiencing social isolation. “The Pandemic Effect: A Social Isolation Report” recently released by the AARP Foundation in partnership with the United Health Foundation concluded that 66% of seniors reported feeling high levels of anxiety and social isolation.

The AARP Foundation has created a very valuable resource to fight adult isolation: “Connect2Affect”, which aims to end social isolation and assist older adults build social connections. It does so with free assessments for seniors helping to find answers to income, health and legal needs.

Unfortunately, more than 40 million seniors in the United States do not have enough money coming in to sustain a healthy existence. The past year has brought overwhelming crisis levels in communities throughout the country. Fortunately, programs like the innovative ones AARP have developed, can do so much good to strengthen seniors’ social connections.

As the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic continues to be felt across the country, foundations like “AARP” and various National Food Banks remain paramount towards the feeding of seniors. The AARP Foundation also has programs to help seniors find employment opportunities as well as offering free counseling and legal services. The foundation strives for a future without senior poverty.

To learn more about the AARP’s efforts to help seniors in need go to (aarpfoundation.org). To make a donation to assist these various programs you can go to:  (aarpfoundation.org/DAFund). 

With older Americans experiencing prolonged social isolation throughout the coronavirus pandemic, there is even a greater need for these programs to be funded and expanded.

Through the past, in the present, and into the future we can make a difference. Just ask yourself what each of us can do to all stay healthy and connected? This is only the beginning.



















Unintentional Alterations

If you are a mindful and observant friend, you know, through the years and various roads traveled that change can sometimes be of the totally unintentional kind. Sometimes you aren’t even sure what took place; but, you are certain it could not have been planned. All you know is that you stand in testimony of the memory of what used to be, now no more ever to be witnessed. Yes, shit happens, we may assume; but, is it really that simple? Could it be that there’s a completely dehydrated element of unknown origin at work. The ever present “ORB” that rules and governs all of existence.

Feasibly speaking, those circumstantial transformations may be part of an altered universe yearning to contribute. The enigma which is fundamentally beguiling can never really turn out to be definitive in nature. It’s not like an Einstein theory or even a proven scientific formula. What you see isn’t always what you get. This may even have been a figment of your imagination gone off course. While it looks new and different could it be something else?

Trying to consume the changes your mind knows it’s witnessed can lead to empowerment, and can be as inspiring as the last peg played in a game of cribbage. Nonetheless, this phenomenon isn’t anything like you’ve seen before; but, something you’re sure you will see again.

Foreseeable Future

One thing for certain, tomorrow will be the next day along the path to our journey’s end. Each day, each week, each month, each year blends into the next. Sometimes it feels like we’re just marking time. Countless members of the human race feel exactly the same way.

However, others like yours truly, the T*pster, have a completely different feel to the outcome of each and every day. It might be a bit of transcendence as well as a higher insight of what is to come next. Something like a willful exercise to exploit my subconscious into delivering what I consciously want.

The Transcendentalist Movement

Transcendentalists and their movement began in the early 1800’s. Renegade essayist and poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson was a philosopher in his eloquent writings about society, culture, reform and the human spirit. Another, who was an advocate for reform and civil disobedience was Henry David Thoreau.

Thoreau believed that as we aged we fell more and more into a routine, mindlessly beating a track for ourselves. The great masses of men, he wrote, live lives of quiet blameless desperation. He condemned this condition, blaming it entirely upon the rat race of materialism. To avoid this fate for himself, he escaped to Walden Pond and built a home in the wilderness. He was certain that to find peace and serenity one must be in communion with nature. It was there that he found great existential truth, harmony and contentment.

For all transcendentalists, nature is the key to peace and spiritual attainment. It offers a deeper realization of existence and allows one to think about the future. In many cases it is more about how to spend one’s time, and understanding how to appropriate and appreciate their existence. Consequently, being a part of the future and less a victim of it.


When Norman Vincent Peale wrote “The Power of Positive Thinking” over 60 years ago, he had a difficult time getting published. His book seemed laughable and trite to publishing house after publishing house. However, it is a known fact, that his wife pursued a publisher behind his back and ultimately got his book published.

His book sold over 20 million copies and in 47 languages around the world. Much of the advice in Peale’s book may sound amusing to the masses, but that’s mainly because human wants and desires are conceivably insatiable. Most people are trapped like Thoreau said, in a hedonic treadmill of repetition and unfulfilled desires. The beating of their drum day after aimless day.

The T*pster says

I say, dissatisfaction is not all bad and can even be of great motivational importance. Yearning can turn into learning if proper visualization is employed. To truly excel one needs a steady flow of visual achievements both real and imagined.

On the other hand, a continual sense of lack or yearning can create anxiety and depression. It undermines our satisfaction and can plunge us into deepening despair.

Negative Visualization

Fortunately, ancient Stoic philosophers like, Epictetus knew that all wealth, possessions and stature could be taken away at any given moment. They understood that everything we enjoy in life is simply “on loan” to us by the gift of good fortune. Any or even all of it could be removed without a warning or notice.

These Stoics knew a technique to override yearnings, dissatisfactions and even despair. It’s called negative visualization. Yes, truly imagining that you have lost the very things that you cherish the most.

Most people already have the dream of success and the life they want. Unfortunately, along the way they become jaded, bored, resigned to regiment and even numb to the true blessings around them. The Stoic’s goal is to wake us up and to make every person aware of what they have. It’s an old adage, but oh so true, that one really doesn’t appreciate what they have until it’s suddenly not there anymore.

To truly appreciate what good fortune you have takes an understanding of transcendence, and the power of visualization. Norman Vincent Peale got it half right. Positive visualization helps to get you what you want. The Stoics concept of negative visualization consequently, helps you want and value what you get.

The Last Word

Lastly, the Rolling Stones remind us, “You can’t always get what you want; but, if you try sometime you just might find you get what you need”.

























Embrace  Diversity


That word, embrace, is a word of “action”. It is never passive. So it is not enough for any of us to say we are not racist, particularly when we see so much racism around us.

What should we do?

I believe we need to start by exploring ourselves and challenging our own perspectives. I suggest reading about racism in the world and the history of it. Reflect on our own privileges and our own actions. Learn to listen to others and try to understand their experiences, especially those that differ from our own.

We all have blinders on when we view the world. Maybe so it won’t hurt so much. That is normal behavior in most instances of our early development. But, it is by listening carefully to others that we can learn how they may be experiencing the same world, very differently. This “action” of learning to understand by deeply listening can remove the blinders from our eyes.

The uncomfortable truth

The events of the last couple of months have made quite clear the uncomfortable truth of present-day America. Those of us with the blinders still exonerating our recognition believe that much progress has been made. However, racism continues to be a deeply rooted part of our society. The killings of three African-Americans: Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, and George Floyd in Minnesota are horrific acts of violence against Black people.

Pain, sadness and anger

We hold the vulnerability, pain, sadness and anger of people around the country. We recognize that multiple forms of societal discrimination are all intertwined and of the same toxic family. We stand in grief and solidarity with Black communities. In this moment we affirm the full humanity, dignity, and rights to freedom from violence for all Black people.

The need to commit

We truly need to commit to eradicating our biases, and to end daily expressions of discrimination whether overt or subtle. Commit to lifelong learning and dialogue, and to stand up for the humanity of all people at all times.

We need to recognize that this historical moment requires us to especially uplift the experiences of Black people while we stand in solidarity with all who experience marginalization, discrimination, and violence.

This is an “action”, it is a process, and it will take us on a more fulfilling journey through life.

Remember, change is inevitable…………wisdom is knowledge……………….however, growth is optional.


































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