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All Roads Lead To Home

THE GRANDKIDS: Dylan, Lucas, Lila & Tommy

My Beautiful Wife

   My Daughters & Son-in-laws

                  1964                                    2018



Pop’s Last Year

A portrait of oneself

Acknowledgment of one’s identity is not always a snapshot representation. Along the way of human development there are changes to the physical, psychological, philosophical and spiritual outline of one’s being. Our blueprint can take many shapes, dimensions, influences and educational doctrines.  It’s no wonder that this process can leave many searching for their “true” identity.

Significant research shows that the adolescent years of one’s existence are the most critical to stimulate growth and development. One’s surroundings, affiliations and youthful encouragements can determine one’s characteristics. This, however, does not reflect the unanticipated disturbances that can occur in anyone’s early maturation process.

Foreordained formative development can often be the most constructive means of one’s fortune. This results from great influences of those parents and/or caretakers that direct and ultimately produce their child’s future. Often it’s a family legacy which can predetermine one’s existence. This advisory effort is contrary to those schooling years where educators are trying to help students determine their own way.

Exchange of ideas that enlighten and arouse curiosities can circumscribe one’s choices in adolescence as well as anything else. Practically speaking, we tend to excel at those things we are most meaningfully drawn to. Enthusiasm, playing a major role in enhancing one’s development.

Life choices

When you love the desires you develop this usually produces strong undeniable traits. Realizing who you are and who you intend to be is emotionally uplifting. Committing to these desires makes the hard work of accomplishment reasonable, and in more cases than not, completely acceptable. This can collectively empower your unwavering faith in your own value and importance. Life takes on real and physically established dimensions. Your self worth becomes your “Certificate of Achievement”.

Your life choices may now seem to be more mechanical than spiritual. Instinct, resources, and higher level desires take over, in a way, to protect and insure what you want.

Setbacks and recovery

There may come a time when you see yourself as separate from what you want. This can occur when things become difficult and overwhelming. What you want is already established within your being. Therefore, matching the energy of your desires with determination will lead to attaining the thoughts of your desires. We all create our own intentions. Recovery from setbacks can be a simple renewal of our desires and our thoughts.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

We are born into a world that promises nothing, expects something and offers everything. The old adage that all you are assured of in life are “death & taxes” is so ridiculous yet so emphatically believed. In reality, we are what we think, do, and desire. Life offers us infinite possibilities.

What we are today comes from our desires of yesterday. Consequently, what we desire today builds our tomorrows. Most people spend too much time doubting their intentions and desires which in turn derails their futures.

If we would plan our tomorrows as we plan a summer vacation we would fully understand the self empowering nature of our desires. All our intentions and desires are part of the whole perfect person we have become.

Doubts and limitations

Doubts and limitations are often self created. This may be brought on by a lack of focus and trust in oneself. Often, money, health, time, energy and circumstance are blamed for these limitations. However, could it be something more powerful like a desire that needs to be refreshed or adapted.

If you want to see change you and only you have the power to make changes become reality. Life doesn’t stand still and is constantly changing. Why is it that we have a hard time readjusting to those changes.

When we gain new perspectives on things around and about us, we have the ability to alter and even upgrade our life’s desires. Our intentions and desires are unique and dynamic. There are no limits to our self endowments. With that being said, we have our self created blueprints and the dreams they represent. If things get detached we can act to correct them.

All roads lead to home

The power of our desires is an energy that rules our lives. When we believe in ourselves there are no limits. We know that consciousness can lead to reality. What we want to see is always there in front of us. It’s the choices we make that lead us on our way to there.

In essence, all roads lead to home. This is the “Home” of our innermost thoughts, cares and desires.


To my beautiful and awesome wife as she turns 65 today….. I’m so blessed to be able to celebrate the powerful, passionate and confident woman she has become. I’m touched by her love and support daily.



To all of our yesterdays and tomorrows, today is the day I look forward to the most.






The Art of Indirection

Glass half full OR half empty?

Manifestations and intentions

It was a great friend and former partner of mine that brought the subject of indirection to light. He called me a master of indirection; and, when I asked him what he meant it was with an elevated disposition to say the least. I didn’t appreciate being labeled something I was unable to surmise and his opinion of me was very important. Heck, I thought he was disparaging my character.

He began explaining his comment by making pertinent references to my somewhat every day performance. It was as he unmasked my intentions that the relevancy of his statement began to take shape in my mind’s eye. You see, being in sales, the preparations I went through routinely had great purpose. I was always trying to generate sales and attract new business.

He is one of the wisest men I know, and made me realize that my well conceived sales process was designed to manifest strong results in an absolutely indirect way. The more he spoke the clearer a picture of myself developed. It became clear that I was really never selling my goods at all. Instead, I was helping my intended customer sell them for me.

In fact, whenever I found that my diligence to this sales process was lacking in effort, I would corrupt and discredit my salesmanship putting my customer on the offensive to assure me of my value and great help. That being said, I was always cognizant of my surroundings, the level of reception I held, and the purpose of my words. I never failed to be a steadfast listener and especially humble and grateful for the sales that proceeded.

Psychological profiling

The truth is, I could never pass the psychological profiling of a person most suited for a life of selling. This, I was told many times by numerous firms for which I had applied for sales positions. The whole profiling issue got me so disconcerted, that it became the essential ingredient in my quest to prove all those so called sales gurus wrong.

I never really thought about the art of indirection, as my friend named it. I just thought that I brought something refreshing and different to the process of selling. In my mind, I always labeled it as yielding. Trying to help people help themselves and making a living doing so seemed so much easier than selling for the company. Being a company man was the last thing on my mind.

I was always a good story teller. Most of my clientele were happy to exchange life’s changing moments with me. This not only made a customer more comfortable it opened the doors for me to empower them.

I’m just a guy who likes to take great big concepts of how things function and break them down in simple terms. I enjoy making the complex easy by looking at it in its simplest form. It was this process that ultimately became my basis for yielding! Thus, my selling became unembarrassed, spontaneous and manageable.

Most of my customers were eager and receptive to giving me leads. These leads were quite solid and of great value to me. Respect for my clientele was always answered with great respect.


To all those that broke records in sales, whether it be in volume or revenue, the prestige that went with these triumphs was and will undoubtedly remain their driving force.

I’m now retired over two years and after forty years in sales, I can honestly admit that prestige was never a driving force. For me, it was always about the friendships I found along my journey and the lasting episodes we created together.

In conclusion

The art of indirection might well have been created to prove a point to myself. I really was a sucker for a good sales presentation when I was young. The result of which was buyer’s remorse when faced with the truth of being sold something absolutely worthless for my immediate needs and/or situation.

Today, I only acknowledge those salespersons who are willing to tell me something about themselves, enlighten me with evidence of something I may have missed and listen carefully to what I am asking them.


The Secret of Success

My Girls – Kimberly & Jody

What is “Success”?

In order to really enjoy success you must first define success. Webster’s dictionary defines it many ways; and, that means success may have many varying definitions. Moreover, this may muddy the waters of understanding, eventually making success harder to reach and totally occupy.

There is no real road map to success without clearly defining what it means to be successful! Today there are numerous self-help courses as well as audio and video lectures on the subject. Does that mean we all need to think bigger and more often? Are we looking for wisdom to come in the form of some profound revelation? Do we honestly believe that the best successes come after terrible disappointments? Dream big and visualize better days ahead. Take charge of your own destiny. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And so on and so on…..and so on. Clichés are exactly what they are………clichés!

Is success about achieving wealth and personal possessions or something more significant?

Beyond wealth

Wisdom, humility and equanimity are all strong contributors to a rich and fulfilling existence. However, these attributes are often discarded when defining success. What then does it mean to be truly wealthy? Are we to believe that you can never have enough money; and, wealth only comes to those that are willing to push beyond the boundaries of most others?

We must categorize our desires. If it’s money and possessions that rule your life, then be certain of it. Do you truly get what you pay for? Will there ever be enough relaxation and peace of mind to make this worthwhile?

Beyond wealth there is the freedom to truly create the existence you want. Money can’t buy freedom or character.

True wealth can only be measured by the individual attempting to live a “Good Life”. Consequently, corresponding attainment of character can lead to the full experience of success. This reaching beyond wealth may be hard to understand because there is a wide range of attributes and distinctions that may matter. Finding one’s true character and realizing great worth often go hand and hand.


Some try to define a successful life in terms of all the riches they can mass. Pressure to attain such riches can be devastating. This pressure can surface in the form of unrealistic goals set by oneself or, worse yet, by the influences of others or a troublesome existence. Many who fail to live up to their own expectations often end up with harsh delusions and seriously unattainable relief. Depression can be the result of such actions.

The fact is that this depression is expected and nearly always impounding. The depressed often do the very same thing day after day, week after week and month after month. Unfeasible as that may sound it is most often the case.

The use of anti-depressant drugs has grown to unheard of proportions in this country and, without a doubt, like depression itself, will continue to rise. The enormous penetration of depression in today’s society can only be considered catastrophic.

A person consumed with depression will continue their behavior, knowing what they are doing is wrong. As hard as that is to believe, they will define their actions with the rationalization that somehow this wrong behavior will change their future outcome.

Practical wisdom

The art of understanding all of the knowledge we learn and, the guarded use of spiritual reflections can broaden and inspire great elaborations of success. We never stop learning until the day we expire. To distinguish the successful may require one’s philosophy or trust in oneself.

Practical wisdom comes with the development of trusting the knowing and believing wholeheartedly what we know. Hence, the trusting of what is supported in our minds as reasonable, evidenced fact.

We don’t take what we’ve heard or read as factual without trusting our own practical wisdom.

What’s Love got to do with it?

It was the Beatles many years ago that said: “all you need is love” and later, Jackie DeShannon that beckoned the world to listen to her request! So, if you really want to know, all things begin and end with the love that is given.

Simply put, to master every unfortunate event of human experience it takes great focus on love.

Your connection to success

A connection to success is subject to massive debate and classification. This means that each person may interpret their own connection without assurance from others, even being able to disregard those that may disagree. Ultimately, this interpretation indicates the difference between knowing and believing. Thus, each successful person is equipped with the knowledge of their defining principles and is able to defend and advance their beliefs. You are, in fact, the only one able to change yourself, enable yourself, enjoy yourself and free yourself.

This discretion is your connection to success. It allows no one to overturn it or discredit it. Most importantly, it defines who you are and what principles both rule and emphasize your existence. And last but definitely not least, it sustains, manifests and attracts continued success.

With all my love and support always.


POKER “101”

               Poker prowess______

Many of my friends and acquaintances know that I’ve been subsidizing my existence for years now by playing poker for money, wherever and whenever I can. This could be one of the reasons for my four marriages, as many of those so called friends would say. However, anyone who really knows me – knows better. That’s right………I’m just so very lovable!

Just like life – Poker takes effort to be successful

It’s easy to be wrong. It’s easy to say no. Giving up is simple; and, retreating can be much more comfortable than forging onward. Anything you really want to excel at takes unwavering discipline and resolve. Consequently, finding success begins with desire, accordance and effort.

Hooked at an early age

For me, poker was a Friday night event at my house growing up, at least monthly and sometimes more than that. You see, my folks and their friends loved to play and the games were always on Friday nights but, moved from home to home. These games were fun and they included many variations of “Poker” which were played for stakes between a penny to as much as a dime. Primarily, it was the enjoyment of the games themselves, which dominated the evening, and not the money to be won or lost. I watched wholeheartedly and extensively, which led me to begin to analyze the play, and more importantly, the players. Even though I was just a child, not yet a teen, I developed a strategy of how to play and win at these games my folks called poker.

However, by the time I was able to talk myself into their game, I was too old to appreciate what I knew and never excelled when playing with them. Later in life, I would realize that this game, like almost every other one I played,  allowed you to play to the level of your competition. Thus, playing with bad poker players led to playing poorly myself.

Awareness of commanding composure

Once I sat down with dedicated poker players I became aware of the one thing they all championed. They all had commanding composure and reflected great confidence because of it. This lesson was not exempt of painful monetary hardships.

However, recalling all the nights of poker I consumed as a child, I soon realized the great, yet simple, secret of success. Somehow stored deep in the recesses of my mind, I always knew this simple formula. The problem was that  frankly, I was undisciplined, leaving me unable to exercise the simple keys to success.

Simplicity rules

Yes, like many of the secrets of life, we always miss the obvious by having a propensity to complicate the process of interpretation. Nothing can ever really be as simple as we might think! With poker, this reflection is the downfall of most players. Over thinking, over complicating and over speculation destroys even the smartest individuals when playing poker.

How to remedy this situation

Can a true competitor of the game reveal his simple and fool proof answer to this dilemma? The answer is “NO”! However, for the sake of contention, I might give you this information knowing that great knowledge still requires an able and confident user to work appropriately. Now does that mean I’m putting you down? I wouldn’t say that; but, being a master of indirection allows me to incorporate tremendous arrogance and autonomy.

Why you will still struggle

When it comes to believing in God or the Tooth Fairy, some have no problems at all, while others struggle to understand what it is they truly believe. So, that being said, the solution to becoming a master poker player will take down many players who will forever struggle with the simplicity. For them, nothing can be that easy to figure out.

Now remember, it was while I was in my pre-teen years that this wisdom was unintentionally yet vehemently developed. Who can ever really deny the nature of its conception.

Surely, I can’t play the game for you, I can only tell you this very basic secret to employ if you really want to have success. Let’s face it, I’m a student of my own preachings. Truth is, the masses are more inclined to play for the enjoyment of the games and the sociability. The rest of you will be skeptical at best with my secret and your level of play will remain as it is today.

Time to entrust indefensible purity

Well, if you’ve come this far and read all of the previous paragraphs, you have proven to me as well as yourselves that you truly desire to evolve into winning poker players. You see, most players are happier with losing, especially if they lose to really good hands or to those they consider really good players.

Revelation is not always handled correctly, so now it’s time to take this to heart as well as to the BANK!  Precursor: The secrets I’m disclosing can only work if you utilize them!!!

First and foremost, winning at poker takes luck. Now before you get angry, take this honest assessment and remember it well. Second, luck comes to all players on any given night and, so called “bad luck”, comes too infrequently to even matter at all.

So, what is the simple solution you ask? O.K., I’m ready to advance all your poker playing talents if you are seriously ready to act. The third, and most important part of the equation to success, is patience. Without this, all players eventually fail and the result is a losing proposition. It takes incredibly disciplined patience to win consistently at poker.

“Patience”, you say, “are you seriously telling me that’s the secret?”

Absolutely!  You are obviously waiting for your luck to come; and, when it does you need to be ready to capitalize. Unfortunately, as I have stated before, most of you will forget this SIMPLE instruction and others will disregard it as worthless jibberish. The one thing you cannot dispute is it’s undeniably incredible purity. That being said, most players lose at poker the moment they get frustrated enough to lose their patience.

To your success – T*pster says stay disciplined !


Wealth Building Investing

A Note To My Friends

T*psterisms are: Meaningful teachings that the T*pster loves passing on to all his friends, old and new. Nothing more, nothing less, just lessons already learned by trial and error. Hopefully helping to make things a little easier and a bit more fulfilling.

A Pyramid Approach

All successful investing starts by admitting that uncertainty will always be a part of the equation. Hence, there is no perfect strategy. However, there certainly is a strategy to employ when it comes to dealing with your new found friend, uncertainty.

The fact is, your strategy may change as your needs change or as father time changes your tolerance for risk. This is where I believe your pyramid begins to define your strategy. Through your past, to the present and into your future.

Building your pyramid

If you take your life and all its holdings and list them out on a piece of paper starting at the bottom of the page with the most abundant things you possess (like food, clothes, books, etc., etc.) working your way up the page to more valuable but limited possessions (like jewelry,vehicles, keepsakes, etc.) all the way to the very top which would hold just your most valuable possession like a house or possibly more……

Near, or at the top of this pyramid will also be your esteem or profession. You may value yourself at the top of your pyramid and there is no reason that shouldn’t be. This is to say that without you all the rest of the blocks in your pyramid would be unstable and in danger of collapsing.

The key to this exercise of building your pyramid should now come into focus. We can’t get to the top without building a strong foundation. Stay with this principle and investing can be easier than you ever thought possible. It all starts with a strong foundation!

Keys to Success

There are really just “Five Keys” to what I describe to be a winning Investment Strategy.

1) Having the means to begin investing

2) Learning how to yield the highest return with the lowest amount of risk

3) Finding the best research online today

4) Protecting your profits

5) Cutting your losses


Until you have properly put together a diversified long-term portfolio you cannot implement my speculative short-term approach to wealth building. This can be done through a 401K at your place of employment or by building your own IRA’s with help from the likes of Fidelity Investments or various other investment firms. Do not go this alone; and, heed my warning that all that glitters is not gold.

This long-term “Core” portfolio must focus on diversification of assets. So, this doesn’t mean three or four of your favorite tech stocks! Asset allocation means spreading your holdings across various asset classes. Some stocks, both small and large cap, some bonds, both long and short term, and various mutual funds both domestic and foreign.

Your very unique asset allocation allows you to boost returns while limiting your volatility. Most often, the more diverse your allocation is the safer and consistent your returns. In other words, the more diverse the easier you feel about it.

It’s all connected

Just remember, your past, present and future are all connected. This past year the pandemic gave us eerie insights to a world of changes and uncertainties. More importantly, those who would forget the past are doomed to repeat it! But, those that embrace and clearly define the past can benefit from it, and garner all they can from it because, it led us to where we are today.

Remember, we came into 2020 riding on the waves of a strong economy and a raging “bull” market. 2019 posted whopping returns in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite. Equities were at all-time highs in February 2020 to no one’s surprise.

Then suddenly the corona virus pandemic hit and with all the might of an out of control tsunami. But, investors seemed to hit back even harder. It was quite surreal and almost mind boggling.

What continued through the spring and into the summer, with brief and minor adjustments in September and October was encouraging and incredibly heroic in its own right. Quite possibly the greatest lesson I have ever witnessed in all the years of my investing. That is why we must remember 2020.

First and foremost, the Federal Reserve came to the rescue. The opening of the purse strings so to speak. Sending massive amounts of stimulus checks, additional unemployment compensation and small business loans with incredible income forgiveness out to frightened and desperate Americans. These Americans, some stuck at home, others isolated and looking for an answer to their dilemma decided that this money wasn’t enough to make a significant difference. Consequently, many took the funds and reinvested this money. This was extremely true of younger Americans that took those stimulus checks and decided to bet on the future. Young first time investors opened millions of new brokerage accounts and poured millions of dollars into the market.

Retail investors, instead of selling out, helped launch a bull market by buying with their free trading apps all through the February and March plunge. Institutional investors then followed that lead and backstopped each upward thrust, chasing those same stocks and generating tremendous momentum. This, of course, invigorated retail investors even further.

Even though most of the “value” stocks being scoffed up didn’t have great earnings they were now cheap and first time investors were ready to leap. “Cyclicals” were next and at prices that many investors were looking for. Finally, institutional investors had to buy everything the retail investors had bid up so they didn’t look foolish and left behind.

At the end of 2020, set up by the Feds, many new retail investors rushed to build a stock portfolio and good old American optimism ruled the Market.

This is where we are

This can be a starting place as good as any heading into a new year with a pretty solid foundation under our feet. The equity markets are not to be feared. While some valuations may be getting a bit stretched, others are still ripe for the choosing. The pursuit of meaningful wealth can and should be one of your goals for 2021.

Why might this be the year to invest? Will things really ever be perfect? Not likely, and that’s because uncertainty is always a given. Yes, some valuations are getting stretched, but that might lead to another correction like we saw last February and March. Any good dip in the markets will trigger another solid opportunity to jump in. And, as vaccine distribution and the coping with covid-19 gets significantly better the economy will follow suit with a slow but steady recovery.

Where we want to be

I’m delighted you have made this decision to join me in a pursuit of meaningful wealth in 2021. Where we go can be down different roads, but the main highway will lead us to our destination.

Many promising paths

The travel industry could be set to explode this year. After a beating down in 2020 those companies that have managed not to buckle under will have the wind in their sails sooner than we might even expect. Most of the companies that remain, allowed customers to postpone and reschedule as travel bans and lockdowns get lifted. This means that there will be a backlog of bookings just waiting to happen. Furthermore, on top of the old bookings to be filled many millions of us are going to book new travel plans as our escape from the year of seclusion we’ve been subjected to.

Prior to the global lockdowns international tourism was up over 10% from the previous year, which translated to nearly $9 trillion. After covid that number plunged by 80%!

I believe there will be so much demand for travel, whether for work, vacations or just to get away for a while. Consequently, the rebound in global tourism should be enormous. This leads to other company booms such as hotel and lodging, car rentals, travel agencies and ticket sales industries.

Could Expedia Group, Inc. (Nasdaq – EXPE) or, perhaps Airbnb Inc. (Nasdaq – ABNB) be poised for the bulk of this travel activity to come? This investor believes so.

Others claim with Biden now in the Whitehouse and a very progressive congress at his disposal, clean energy companies are worth investing in right now. Mike Porter, a founding partner of Stansberry Research, Inc can educate you on what he thinks can be the number 1 move financially in 2021. Go to: (stansberry.go2cloud.org) to hear this powerful man who does not mince words and doesn’t aim to be politically correct.

Help along the way

I personally use Fidelity Investment Research, The Oxford Communique with Alexander Green, The Money Map Reports and Money Morning Reports from the Money Map Press.

I recommend the book, “Beyond Wealth” by Alexander Green, a chief investment strategist. And, I wholeheartedly suggest joining the Oxford Club at: (www.oxfordclub.com/contact-us) or call (800)992-0205.

My success

Most of you who know me now know that I made my biggest reward when I invested in Tesla three years ago. It seems General Motors is to begin making electric cars to compete with Tesla. Tesla stock is off the charts and continues to rise against all odds kind of like a magical mythology tale. GM has had a very nice run since November 2020. Ford and Volkswagon are about to unveil tremendous new electric vehicles which should give them a large boost in the market as well.

What I see down the road is the development of the “Quantum Glass Battery”. Already in existence and being massed produced as you read this. I’m not ready to leap, but instead have just sent for a copy of Matt McCall’s “The Secret Battery”. Until I research this further, I will hold off on any recommendations except, that I believe you too should send for this book.

Investment Clubs

Joining investment clubs is sound advice and fully recommended. Most older clubs are worth their advice in gold. They are designed to help increase and protect the wealth of their members.

Make your New Year’s Resolution to join at least one and dominate the markets with explosive profit opportunities.

In Conclusion

Warren Buffett, commonly referred to as the “Oracle of Omaha” and renowned investment genius, has amassed his fortune by using a simple strategy. He only buys stocks that exhibit these fundamentals: 1) strong earnings power 2) continued growth 3) industry leaders or the potential to be so. Furthermore, he only buys these companies when their stocks are trading at a discount to their intrinsic values.

This is why the information that is readily available is critical to your success. Do the research and reap the rewards. You can never have enough information so just keep reading and learning.

Joyful, steady and prosperous investing is my wish for you all. T*pster smiling at yas…………..























The Social Isolation Risk

Many seniors do not realize the consequences of social isolation. In fact, many are in denial or completely unaware of their inevitable entrenchment. Seemingly anesthetized, they carry on as if time and space has methodically immersed them into their now appropriate situations.

More admonishing is the evidence that social isolation can impact both mental and physical health. Prolonged isolation can lead to irreversible conditions such as depression, malnutrition or even worse, anemia.  Food banks and free meal package programs can help seniors stay properly nourished; but, these programs may not reach all those that are in dire need.

The Coronavirus Effect

Even before the pandemic, nearly 20% of seniors in this country were experiencing social isolation. “The Pandemic Effect: A Social Isolation Report” recently released by the AARP Foundation in partnership with the United Health Foundation concluded that 66% of seniors reported feeling high levels of anxiety and social isolation.

The AARP Foundation has created a very valuable resource to fight adult isolation: “Connect2Affect”, which aims to end social isolation and assist older adults build social connections. It does so with free assessments for seniors helping to find answers to income, health and legal needs.

Unfortunately, more than 40 million seniors in the United States do not have enough money coming in to sustain a healthy existence. The past year has brought overwhelming crisis levels in communities throughout the country. Fortunately, programs like the innovative ones AARP have developed, can do so much good to strengthen seniors’ social connections.

As the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic continues to be felt across the country, foundations like “AARP” and various National Food Banks remain paramount towards the feeding of seniors. The AARP Foundation also has programs to help seniors find employment opportunities as well as offering free counseling and legal services. The foundation strives for a future without senior poverty.

To learn more about the AARP’s efforts to help seniors in need go to (aarpfoundation.org). To make a donation to assist these various programs you can go to:  (aarpfoundation.org/DAFund). 

With older Americans experiencing prolonged social isolation throughout the coronavirus pandemic, there is even a greater need for these programs to be funded and expanded.

Through the past, in the present, and into the future we can make a difference. Just ask yourself what each of us can do to all stay healthy and connected? This is only the beginning.



















Tommy & Dylan and Halloween

The difference between knowing and believing

The actual difference between knowing and believing could be as simple as those that can differentiate wisdom from discretion. However, that may prove to be harder than you think. The case to show definitive evidence while answering this question is nearly impossible, so it’s all about opinion and speculation.


Those that form their answers based upon scientific fact will tell you that the truth here cannot be determined through laboratory experiments or even statistical tests. In order to reach the “burden of proof” evidence needs to be repeatable and consistent. Yet most scientists, even when experiments seem conclusive, will admit no scientific claim is beyond repute. To doubt is the natural scientific answer. So, that leaves the view of knowledge mostly provisional while the intention of believing firmly speculative at best. These scientific views end in awe and mystery.


A Pope, a Rabbi, a Mormon or Muslim all use their faith and religious teachings to answer this question. This approach takes the statistics out of the equation and inserts the how to believe in to it. As now it becomes a question of “how you believe”. In turn, the knowledge comes from a strong belief in the written word. Yes, there can be common spiritual principles that make believing ultimately real, yet it’s still an end result similar to science as many will doubt the truth is absolute and genuine.

In conclusion

Science is more a tool for the understanding of the natural world and advancing technology. It attempts to distinguish what we know is true from what we believe is true. In doing so often bringing about probable truths. Religion, on the other hand, attempts to morally lift the spirit and answers questions on how and what to do or believe. This eliminates the value of science while never discrediting any scientific revelation.

Yet at their best, both emphasize and equally embrace a deep sense of humility.








Unintentional Alterations

If you are a mindful and observant friend, you know, through the years and various roads traveled that change can sometimes be of the totally unintentional kind. Sometimes you aren’t even sure what took place; but, you are certain it could not have been planned. All you know is that you stand in testimony of the memory of what used to be, now no more ever to be witnessed. Yes, shit happens, we may assume; but, is it really that simple? Could it be that there’s a completely dehydrated element of unknown origin at work. The ever present “ORB” that rules and governs all of existence.

Feasibly speaking, those circumstantial transformations may be part of an altered universe yearning to contribute. The enigma which is fundamentally beguiling can never really turn out to be definitive in nature. It’s not like an Einstein theory or even a proven scientific formula. What you see isn’t always what you get. This may even have been a figment of your imagination gone off course. While it looks new and different could it be something else?

Trying to consume the changes your mind knows it’s witnessed can lead to empowerment, and can be as inspiring as the last peg played in a game of cribbage. Nonetheless, this phenomenon isn’t anything like you’ve seen before; but, something you’re sure you will see again.

Foreseeable Future

One thing for certain, tomorrow will be the next day along the path to our journey’s end. Each day, each week, each month, each year blends into the next. Sometimes it feels like we’re just marking time. Countless members of the human race feel exactly the same way.

However, others like yours truly, the T*pster, have a completely different feel to the outcome of each and every day. It might be a bit of transcendence as well as a higher insight of what is to come next. Something like a willful exercise to exploit my subconscious into delivering what I consciously want.

The Transcendentalist Movement

Transcendentalists and their movement began in the early 1800’s. Renegade essayist and poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson was a philosopher in his eloquent writings about society, culture, reform and the human spirit. Another, who was an advocate for reform and civil disobedience was Henry David Thoreau.

Thoreau believed that as we aged we fell more and more into a routine, mindlessly beating a track for ourselves. The great masses of men, he wrote, live lives of quiet blameless desperation. He condemned this condition, blaming it entirely upon the rat race of materialism. To avoid this fate for himself, he escaped to Walden Pond and built a home in the wilderness. He was certain that to find peace and serenity one must be in communion with nature. It was there that he found great existential truth, harmony and contentment.

For all transcendentalists, nature is the key to peace and spiritual attainment. It offers a deeper realization of existence and allows one to think about the future. In many cases it is more about how to spend one’s time, and understanding how to appropriate and appreciate their existence. Consequently, being a part of the future and less a victim of it.


When Norman Vincent Peale wrote “The Power of Positive Thinking” over 60 years ago, he had a difficult time getting published. His book seemed laughable and trite to publishing house after publishing house. However, it is a known fact, that his wife pursued a publisher behind his back and ultimately got his book published.

His book sold over 20 million copies and in 47 languages around the world. Much of the advice in Peale’s book may sound amusing to the masses, but that’s mainly because human wants and desires are conceivably insatiable. Most people are trapped like Thoreau said, in a hedonic treadmill of repetition and unfulfilled desires. The beating of their drum day after aimless day.

The T*pster says

I say, dissatisfaction is not all bad and can even be of great motivational importance. Yearning can turn into learning if proper visualization is employed. To truly excel one needs a steady flow of visual achievements both real and imagined.

On the other hand, a continual sense of lack or yearning can create anxiety and depression. It undermines our satisfaction and can plunge us into deepening despair.

Negative Visualization

Fortunately, ancient Stoic philosophers like, Epictetus knew that all wealth, possessions and stature could be taken away at any given moment. They understood that everything we enjoy in life is simply “on loan” to us by the gift of good fortune. Any or even all of it could be removed without a warning or notice.

These Stoics knew a technique to override yearnings, dissatisfactions and even despair. It’s called negative visualization. Yes, truly imagining that you have lost the very things that you cherish the most.

Most people already have the dream of success and the life they want. Unfortunately, along the way they become jaded, bored, resigned to regiment and even numb to the true blessings around them. The Stoic’s goal is to wake us up and to make every person aware of what they have. It’s an old adage, but oh so true, that one really doesn’t appreciate what they have until it’s suddenly not there anymore.

To truly appreciate what good fortune you have takes an understanding of transcendence, and the power of visualization. Norman Vincent Peale got it half right. Positive visualization helps to get you what you want. The Stoics concept of negative visualization consequently, helps you want and value what you get.

The Last Word

Lastly, the Rolling Stones remind us, “You can’t always get what you want; but, if you try sometime you just might find you get what you need”.

























How the Coronavirus is redefining life


Over the next several months companies large and small will be making decisions that they had no idea they would have even contemplated making in the past.  As telecommuting comes of age, with many workers who spend most of their time on a computer, employers will be determining which of those employees should be returned to the office and which should remain working from their homes.

Older workers

For some older employees, there might not be any choices offered other than continuing to work remotely from home due to their age and or health.  Others, with underlying health conditions may face the same reality.

Reasons to keep employees at home

Beside the obvious reasons employees may have, employers are beginning to see the significant gains of having a workforce at various home locations.  First, a reduction in costs of office space and upkeep.  Next, an unexpected trial period that has shown the way for employers to fully interpret and understand the process.  Besides the lack of office distractions and downtime, it seems production has been the most pleasant and undoubtedly unexpected windfall for most employers.

For many employees there is a greater feeling of accomplishment without someone standing over their desk checking their every move.  Most certainly, removing the need to commute creates a more relaxed worker, as well as safer and ultimately healthier one.  Long commutes can often be stressful and time consuming, which definitely reduces production.

The potential savings from this surge in telecommuting is so incredible that going back to the way it once was seems more than impossible.  It is a “win-win” situation for employers and employees.  With the gain in time and lack of stress employees can truly work on bettering their own lives; whether, through exercise regimes or self study courses they hadn’t the time to pursue previously.

This new work from home model also allows companies to hold on to their senior workers, who might have been contemplating retirement.  In many cases retaining experienced employees can be critical to a company’s success.  And, part-time opportunities now have a really different significance as employees may gain new found freedoms in terms of days, hours, and schedules.  Part-time remote work can truly offer get flexibility for all.

A cultural shift to telecommuting has led to retaining work ethic, loyalty, knowledge and production at reduced hours and significantly less compensation.  The best part is that all involved do, in fact, save money.  Older employees concerned about their health and retirement funds can save money by telecommuting.  The lower fuel costs and wear and tear on their vehicles can lead to savings that can be invested. Other savings will come from less laundering and dry-cleaning expenses.  Meanwhile, employers will be the largest gainers based upon their new levels of productivity, lower real estate costs, reduced turnover and absenteeism as well as outright development of future holdings.

There is no going back.  For one thing, employees will balk at the old normal.  The consensus is already out there and most desire to remain working remotely.  Those that haven’t embraced this new normal, will eventually find their way back to an office or a new job. Others will flourish with this new found freedom  that meets their needs to get stronger and more self reliant. Character development and life improving all at their own command.

What will tomorrow bring?

During the current career climate all new graduates should have an updated resume. They need to be fully prepared to think in different and relevant ways. Those that are ahead of the curve have already defined the new normal in their minds and hearts.

The ever growing digital world and ever dependent world of the internet will be the front running opportunities for high paying jobs in the future. Read more“THE NEW NORMAL”



Embrace  Diversity


That word, embrace, is a word of “action”. It is never passive. So it is not enough for any of us to say we are not racist, particularly when we see so much racism around us.

What should we do?

I believe we need to start by exploring ourselves and challenging our own perspectives. I suggest reading about racism in the world and the history of it. Reflect on our own privileges and our own actions. Learn to listen to others and try to understand their experiences, especially those that differ from our own.

We all have blinders on when we view the world. Maybe so it won’t hurt so much. That is normal behavior in most instances of our early development. But, it is by listening carefully to others that we can learn how they may be experiencing the same world, very differently. This “action” of learning to understand by deeply listening can remove the blinders from our eyes.

The uncomfortable truth

The events of the last couple of months have made quite clear the uncomfortable truth of present-day America. Those of us with the blinders still exonerating our recognition believe that much progress has been made. However, racism continues to be a deeply rooted part of our society. The killings of three African-Americans: Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, and George Floyd in Minnesota are horrific acts of violence against Black people.

Pain, sadness and anger

We hold the vulnerability, pain, sadness and anger of people around the country. We recognize that multiple forms of societal discrimination are all intertwined and of the same toxic family. We stand in grief and solidarity with Black communities. In this moment we affirm the full humanity, dignity, and rights to freedom from violence for all Black people.

The need to commit

We truly need to commit to eradicating our biases, and to end daily expressions of discrimination whether overt or subtle. Commit to lifelong learning and dialogue, and to stand up for the humanity of all people at all times.

We need to recognize that this historical moment requires us to especially uplift the experiences of Black people while we stand in solidarity with all who experience marginalization, discrimination, and violence.

This is an “action”, it is a process, and it will take us on a more fulfilling journey through life.

Remember, change is inevitable…………wisdom is knowledge……………….however, growth is optional.


































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